Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Barqs.....cuz barqs has bite(':wink:')

the red pill or the blue pill (Matrix)
OMG i forget which did what!!!


Well-known member
Whichever brought me into the real world - out of the evil grasp of those machines - i liken them to my sub conscious.

Cappuccino OR Mocha late ??


Well-known member
Mocha latte.

(You beat me to it but I was gonna say crush up both pills and have them together, yeehaa!)

Disney or Pixar?


Well-known member
Sorry about that miss mamba - what would have transpired in such an event - oh the possibilities.

Pixar - their animation looks so cool. 8)

To be a muse (artist's inspiration) for a poet OR artist-painter ?


Well-known member
Never had tapioca - so pudding - isn't there a tapioca pudding ?

To be caught in public : Picking your nose OR Picking out a wedgie ??


Well-known member
I am going to have to shallow here - mega unfit but thin - oh the shame, but i would be lying if i said the other one.

If you were some important noble lady way back when would you - Marry the prince you were promised to, but did not love and live a life of luxury OR Run away with your true love, who just so happens to be a servant and spend the rest of your life poor but in love ??


Well-known member
Bexi said:
A wedgie= a hungry bum!

When ones knickers get slightly stuck up ones botty

:lol: shit excuse me but I just don't get a thing :lol: I'm not english native nor USA and my damned dictionary doesn't have those terms. Ok forget it.


Well-known member
Run away with my true love, who just so happens to be a servant and spend the rest of your life poor but in love!!!!

Cyn or Yoko?


Well-known member
Gosh ur a big beatles fan arent u??i think Cynthia, as she was married to him first,then yoko comes along and steals him! hehe

Laughing til u Cry, or Laughing til u piss urself?


Well-known member
Bexi said:
Gosh ur a big beatles fan arent u??i think Cynthia, as she was married to him first,then yoko comes along and steals him! hehe

Laughing til u Cry, or Laughing til u piss urself?

Lennon fan, oh yes, very much so.
This morning my signed copy of Cyn's brand new book finally arrived..

Laughing til I cry.

Which of these actual names from the phone book is funniest:

Short, Dick


Hugh G. Rection?

They're for reeal. Check here:


Well-known member
Definately Hugh G. Rection - What the hell are these parents thinking of giving their kids names like that - :lol:

Cheerios OR Rice Bubbles ??


Well-known member
RICE BUBBLES they cound cool! i'd guess they would be like rice krispies?

Hamsters or Elderberries??


Well-known member
Elderberries - sounds funnier as an 'insult' ......... and your father smelt of elderberries :lol:

In the days of conscription during war time: To be a conscientious objector OR fight in a war ??


Well-known member
ill b a conscientious objector, considering that sums me up....

A Big one or Small one?? :wink:


Well-known member
Preferably medium but in this case small - i'm not lying either - i've had big, unpleasant is an understatement.

Queen Elizabeth the first OR Queen Elizabeth the second ?


Well-known member
O GOOD LORDY!!! LIZ the first for sure! The virgin queen! Gosh, i love english history, fascination stuff.

Koala's or Kangaroos??