Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, theres nothing quite like a kangaroo, Kangaroo, Kangaroo, super marsupial..Kangaroo. :) (Its a song, for all you non Aussies)

Violins or bagpipes?


Well-known member
Violins, I might get one and learn to play, i like them

Bexi singing, or Bexi talking??


Well-known member
Well i have never heard you sing but if your singing voice is as sweet as your nature - behold what a gift to the ears you would give to us.

Lounges OR futons - those bed / chair thingy's.


Well-known member
I'll say lounger..although I'm not sure what you mean, but I hate uncomfy.

Getting hit on the side of the head by a snowball.......

or falling on your arse on a patch of ice?


Well-known member
snowball defintely... too many hills round here so a fall on ice could result in a flying Horatio (I live down the road from the steepest street in the world! haha)

sinking on the Titanic into icey water or being stranded in the Andes in the "Alive" plane crash?


Well-known member
well...if sinking on the Titanic means I get to look like Kate Winslet...and crashing in the Andes means I have to eat dead folk.....I'll take the Titanic

having a pet dragon....or a pet unicorn?


Well-known member
I want a Dragon please! I would sit on his back as he flies around, and i'd call him fred! How magical!

Singing in the rain OR Dancing in the street?


Well-known member
oooh...that's a tough one....but i'm a sucker for a good booming thunderstorm so singing in the rain it is.

books or movies?


Well-known member
movies -- I like seeing things -- but then again books last longer. I guess movies though.

a person who hates you for no reason, or a person who loves you for no reason and won't stop talking to you?


Well-known member
I'm boring-snooze-so i'm going to say everything in moderation.

You know that 'SURVIVOR' show - well to have to be a 'SURVIVOR' in outback Australia OR in one of those islands that they were on ??


Well-known member
I pick the outback! I'd be shit scared tho, but what the hell!

Headache or Backache- What is worse?


Well-known member
Never had backache - so i'll go with that - i'll pick the ignorance is bliss option.

In the 80's - To be a Punk OR into the whole Madonna dress up thing ?


Well-known member
ahh the 80's...i was into the sheila e/prince thing which is close enough to madonna. lots of lace, ruffles, bad makeup and big hair. i'll go w/punk, come to think of it the makeup/hair wouldn't be that different!

Bjork or Tori Amos?


Well-known member
I'll go with the alternative Icelander - i love her accent. Sheis so unusual, i love it.

To have a fly lay an egg underneath your skin, resulting in the hatching of a huge maggot - which then has to be squeezed out OR a bout of food poisoning ??


Well-known member
That is grotesque! i would choose food poisoning please!

To be allowed to throw wet sponges and HOT bovril at J- Lo or Britney??


Well-known member
Well if i subscribe to the tabloids - which are a load of shit, but for argumants sake let's say they are truthful - J-Lo is the bigger DIVA!!! So i'll throw the wet sponges and 'bovril' ?? what is this ?? at her.

Pop art - think Andy Warhol OR Expressionism - think Munch, who painted 'The Scream' ??


Well-known member
Bovril is repulsive, it is like marmite but with meat extract! Gross!! I hope it hurts J-Lo when u throw it at her! hehehe Fur wearing bitch!

Expressionism, I love that Munch painting!!

Coolest actor- Benicio Del Toro or Al Pacino??


Well-known member
Divine ?? Are you being sarcastic ?? You know you can get high on petrol fumes. I would have picked Al Pacino too!!

Cut grass - less toxic.

A somewhat morbid question - well it is eventually gonna happen -

Burial OR Cremation ??