Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Emu - because they are indigenous to my country - and they lay huge bloody eggs.

To be able to make things gravitate OR create fire with yopur hands ?

Bex - the MM thing is on the brink again it seems - i sent you replies - i'm paranoid and have a compulsion to reassure you :D Ok so i have to say it......again........NEVER!!!! would i ignore you. Thanks for indulging me.


Well-known member
I'll have to go with the babe card - even though it will cause me grief, i can't do that finger thing - don't have the nerve.

From 'Everybody loves Raymond' - Raymond OR Robert ?


Well-known member
Weell, I've hardly watched that at all.. But Robert. Because he's not Raymond :roll:

Poirot or Frost?


Well-known member
Poirot, from what I've seen. Nice accent and set in an interesting time :)

Being yelled at or laughed at?


Well-known member
Well, not entirely sure what you meant by comfortable for life.. I'm quite comfortable being married. And I don't mean that as a bad thing :)

Elvis or Eminem?


Well-known member
Dramatic Finish. (as long as all ends well..)

Norway or Sweden?
Give the "wrong" answer and I'll give you a :x ..


Well-known member
WRONG answer, Grumblina. I'm sorry, but I have to give you a :x
Ok, I like you again now :D


Cuddles or kisses?


Well-known member
no straight! get it right :lol:

Cuddles are more special i think!

Losing your money or losing your mind?


Well-known member
Yep cuddles, I agree :D

Losing money. Easy.

This is a really hard one..

Go to the dentist or watch "The English Patient"?


Well-known member
Hehe, yeah what were those people thinking, making a film like that??

Hamburger.. with lotsa tomato, raw onion and lettuce.. mmmm....

Britney Spears or broken toe?