Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Liverpool! and mouse, coz roaches make me violently sick! urgh gross

Late night, or late morning?


dare cause i find it easier to do anyting you might tell me to do than to talk about my feelings

to live underground or underwater?


Well-known member
Underground. I'd feel trapped and claustrophobic under water.

On a desert island with Michael Palin or Robbie Williams?


Well-known member
Michael Palin's an experienced traveller and seems like such a nice guy.. I'd go for him IF I can bring my man too..

Fire eater :D

Who's the clueless one; Simon Cowell or Louis Walsh?


Well-known member
THE SIMPSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a bit obsessed actually.

To be a fast typist OR a good speller.


Well-known member
:lol: Something tells me you have a bit of a thing for John Cleese.

I'll say John Cleese as the taunting Frenchman of course.

To be an Ancient Egyptian OR Ancient Greek ?


Well-known member
Ancient Egyptian!!
I started learning hieroglyphs once. :)

John Lennon solo or John Lennon as a Beatle..?
(Hey if you say "Beatle" you don' know what yer talking about :D )


Well-known member
Good girl..

Being an actress it should manage both (although acting is not about pretending..)

I'd say pretending to be happy is harder.. A lot harder.

Lost or Desperate Housewives?


Well-known member
(mechanical) pencil...I make to many damn mistakes...and can't stand my writing to look ugly.

A&W Root Beer or Barqs Root Beer?