Game: this or that?


Well-known member
Great idea Bex :D

Hollywood!!!! Easy.

Power to wake up the dead (you choose who and how many) or to travel in time?


Well-known member
60ies, no doubt..

Would you like a free swimming pool or cinema in the new mansion you just won..?

(Warning: Mansion may contain traces of nuts, milk or false promises and may be non-existing.)


Well-known member
Pool please! That'd be rather nice, even tho it doesn't exist! :evil:

Marriage ideas- Underwater or whilst Parachuting??


Well-known member
:( :cry: I'm scared.. If I HAD to choose it'd be under water. But I just got married, so I don't actually have to go thru with it right? RIGHT????

Now, do ya wanna be a rock star or a film star..?


Well-known member
YES U HAVE TO GET MARRIED UNDERWATER!!! hehe awww congratulations

A Film star for sure! Gosh, but I wouldn't be a shit one, i'd be the new Bardot, but not as beautiful :(

Write a best seller but be critically panned, or be critically aclaimed but unknown? hmmm


Well-known member
Thanx :D

Wow, easy; To be critically aclaimed but unknown.

Fame's not a good thing. Most people wh want it don't know what they're asking for.. 8O

Would you rather be a lezzy girl or gay guy?


Well-known member
Snot.. Disgusting, but have you EVER tasted ear wax? Don't ask me, but must have, cause I know what it tastes like. groooooooooossssssss!!

Congratulations, you've won a unicorn AND Pegasus! Unfortunately you have to give one of them away to charity. A fantasy horse collecting charity. Quite a few of them around. Which one would you KEEP..?


Well-known member
What? To eat?? neither! I like necks more, mine is abit sensitive ooooo lala!

a Thrush or a Blue Tit??


Well-known member
oooooo i want a unicorn plz, get rid of that freak of nature!

oooops thrush or blue tit??


Well-known member
Thrush as long as it's the bird version. I'm not into tits, blue or otherwise. I prefer males, which brings me onto the next question:

Cock or.... hen?


Well-known member
COCK and Jam, wow how dodgy does that sound?

Dance with Michael Flattley or Sing with patrick swayze??o man! hehe


Well-known member
Jelly -the European version :D
I'd choose the hen too. As I just got married I too have a.... headache.

1 hour in a nudist camp, or having to watch "The English Patient" 24 times in a row?


Well-known member
Sing with patrick swayze BOOHOO!!
Fountain pen :)

1 hour in a nudist camp, or having to watch "The English Patient" 24 times in a row?


Well-known member
McShy said: would mmake the hairballs easier to pass! MEEEOWWWW!

earlobes or napes of the neck?

BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh please!

Scottish most definately - canny hack it.

To be possessed by a poltergeist OR satin ?