for those over 25


Well-known member
If I retain my knowledge, sure. Then I will win some money gambling, start going to the doc early to catch my insulin resistance probs, get through school easier etc. I'd be a prodigy. :p


Well-known member
I'm not 25 yet, but if i could travel back to a specific moment in my childhood, I'd travel back to before I was born and convince my mother to have an abortion.


Hell yeah. Although I don't even need to go back that far. I could have avoided this entire Social Phobia BS just by going off to the bathroom at a certain time when someone was looking for a volunteer for something.


Well-known member
I would go back period...but especially with the knowledge I have now. There are so many things I would try to change for the better. To many to even try and list. I think about this scenario or rather daydream about it way more than is probably even healthy...but the truth is the best times of my life were when I was a little kid and my entire family was together. My grandparents were the patriarchs that held everything together and when they passed away everything began to fall apart.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Aw, no worries. You're only as old as you feel. :)

And I think I was wrong anyway. I think 25 is your physical peak.

::p: Nah I think 25 is that stage where you're officially 'not young' anymore. I hated that whole year actually - mostly because I just hate the number 25 (I'm 26 now). But I've come to realise that age is a just a number that doesn't really mean diddly-squat. I've gotten more comfortable in my skin, and my thinking has matured a lot. I feel happier now than I ever have. It's pretty awesome. I wouldn't want to be any younger I don't think.


Heh. I'm the opposite. There are quite a few punches I wish I could take back. I was a yappy little thing who got his butt kicked constantly. LOL.

Heh so you get beat up if you're too quiet and beat up if you're too talkative. I guess you can't win with some people. >.<


Well-known member
While it will be fun to relive some of my childhood memories, I don't necessarily regret how I was back then. I do have a tad bit more confidence in some areas now. But, I liked who I was back then, despite my shyness/SA.


Well-known member
I would definitely go back again, maybe to when I wasn about 9, because I would stop my negative behaviour in its tracks and develop the crucial social skills that I so badly avoided. There are so many regrets along the way till now that I would go back in a heart beat.


Well-known member
::p: Nah I think 25 is that stage where you're officially 'not young' anymore. I hated that whole year actually - mostly because I just hate the number 25 (I'm 26 now). But I've come to realise that age is a just a number that doesn't really mean diddly-squat. I've gotten more comfortable in my skin, and my thinking has matured a lot. I feel happier now than I ever have. It's pretty awesome. I wouldn't want to be any younger I don't think.

I've come across a lot of blogs and articles about women who are much happier in their late 30s and 40s because of a confidence that comes from accepting themselves for who they are. The 20s is a time of discovery and making mistakes, it makes sense. Ironically that's when we are the most youthful and beautiful but perhaps the most self critical (societal and media manipulations don't help). I get told off different people that they were like me in their youths, full of doubt and rocketing anxieties, but the 30s and 40s bring a mellowness and wisdom.. without sounding corny hehe.


Well-known member
I'd definitely go back and do some things differently. I know I'd be able to handle some things I couldn't back then... who knows what that would change. :/


Well-known member
Most definitely.

I wouldn't have given up wrestling in HS to play music. I could have received a college scholarship FFS.

I wouldn't have hooked up with my first wife. Single handedly probably the most destructive thing I ever did and it lasted a dozen years.

I'd take back a list of tech stocks from the mid-late 90s and play the market :D


Well-known member
I wouldn't go back to my early childhood because i don't think i could change anything that happened, i had no control over circumstances back then. But i would like to go back to when i was at High School, i would do things a lot differently, i wouldn't allow myself to be bullied and belittled the way i was, i'd stand up for myself. If i did that maybe i wouldn't be as bad as i am now!


New member
yes i would. I would have joined band or chorus or theatre. I would have dated more, had more fun, in short been a kid more.

I was a little adult before I was a kid but I was so FEARFUL.

The bullies did a number on me too, I wished I wouldve fought back more sometimes.


I am 25 now....I definitely would go back in time if I could, it would give me an opportunity to undo the mistakes I made and avoid the embarrassing moments that occured ...however, my childhood was pretty good so I wouldn't really want to change reset my life to 12-13yrs.