I made sure to take a picture before I ate it all.(yes, that is carrot cake
I was talking about the thing with white frosting covered in plastic in case I wasn't clear. The other stuff is another kind of goodness.
Yes it is. I didn't make it, so can't tell what kind it is, but it taste really good.
You know, it's strange--I had the same reaction. My favorite is the carrot cake though, for sure.The white ones. I thought I'd like the pink better, but definitely the white ones.
my cookies got returned :[
My 22nd birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and this is how I want to make my cakeI hope it turns out this amazing!
My 22nd birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and this is how I want to make my cakeI hope it turns out this amazing!
Where did that pic come from? Do you have the recipe/technique?