Food Pictures


Well-known member
I made this :)
haha hope this works, if not its whatever...just refer to the top message >.<


Well-known member
I made a double batch of peanut butter chocolate drops earlier (cookies). When everything is finished, I'll try to remember to take a pic of the cookies we have every year.

In fact, I'll promise to post a pic. But you'll have to wait, as the walnut wreaths and cream cheese cookies won't be made until Friday night.



Well-known member
Finally, the promised pic of Christmas cookies.


The row in the middle, from top to bottom: brown sugar & walnut cookie, "Christmas crescent" (pecans, butter, and sugar!), secret surprise (with a Hershey's Kiss in the middle), a Betty Crocker marzipan cookie (with almond extract instead of actual marzipan).

The right: a peanut butter chocolate drop and a pfeffernusse (which we Americanly pronounce "feffernee").

The left: chocolate candy (Mom works in a candy store) and a brown-eyed Susan (chocolate icing, almond extract in cookie batter, topped with an almond). It took a lot of food coloring for those brown-eyed Susans to not look like raw ground beef. Even so, they still weren't quite red....
In my neck of the woods, there is a delicacy called the 'horseshoe.' This artery clogger consists of a hamburger (or various other meats) on a thick piece of bread, covered in french fries and smothered in cheese sauce. It's amazing and horrible all at the same time.



Well-known member
Naked (not yet iced or cut) amaretto cherry biscotti and anise biscotti in the oven.


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  • anisebiscotti.jpg
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