Find yourself? What the heck?


Well-known member
it's a silly quote that people use because popular quotes are recycled everywhere, even if they are frankly odd. just like how "get a life" is equally as perplexing a comment. everyone has a life, all valid. they really mean "find your confident self". Live the life you truly want to the fullest etc and all of that bizzo.


Well-known member
Finding myself. Beginning to understand my own patterns of behaviour & reactions. Finding out how different surroundings affect me. Understanding what food is the best for my health. Which relations are good for me/bad for me. Which activities charge my batteries, and which activities drain my energy. And so on and so on.


Well-known member
Finding myself. Beginning to understand my own patterns of behaviour & reactions. Finding out how different surroundings affect me. Understanding what food is the best for my health. Which relations are good for me/bad for me. Which activities charge my batteries, and which activities drain my energy. And so on and so on.

This is what I think the cliche' is referring when a person says 'She/he has their act together' as a complement. I think some people know themselves very well and use this knowledge in a positive way to enhance their life experience. I also think that there are other people who know themselves very well but unfortunately really struggle to actually apply this knowledge in a practical and positive way due to co-existing illness, either physical or mental.


Well-known member
I also think that there are other people who know themselves very well but unfortunately really struggle to actually apply this knowledge in a practical and positive way due to co-existing illness, either physical or mental.

That is how I am... I know myself pretty well, and I´m aware of certain things that are either good or bad for me, yet I can´t get my act together and stay on the right path.