Fellow Blushers.....are you out there?


New member
::eek:: Hey everyone, I stumbled across this forum tonight and it felt great to know Im not the only one who struggles with facial blushing. Speaking for myself, I almost always feel completely alone with this problem and I envy the people who can carry on freely in their lives without blushing but I know I'm not alone with this. I can almost remember the day (a very long time ago) when I realized that I had this problem. I've spent years trying different techniques to try and "hide" my blushing.....camouflage cosmetics, tanning lotions, exercising and so many other ridiculous attempts i thought might help. And like a few other people say on here, a little liquid courage does help, however, id rather not become a boozehound to help get through the day. haha. But I realized today, I've never actually admitted my problem to anyone and tried to seek help.

It seems that I blush when too much attention is put on me, which is unfortunate because Im a 27 year old nursing student so public speaking and group work is a huge part of my schooling. And within the past few years, the fear of blushing has become VERY prominant in my mind.....which we all know, only encourages more blushing, than develops into more axieties and so on (i hate that stupid cycle).

So here I am, if I'm going to make it through the next 3 years of nursing (and the rest of my life) I need to reach out for some help. I know im a good looking woman, with alot of great qualities to offer but my blushing seems to always shatter my confidence. For me, taking safety in numbers always makes me feel like I can tackle anything. So here's a shout out to all you other blushers. Blushers Unite!
Aside from the jokes, Im now starting to think I need some help as this problem is starting to take over too much of my life.....any suggestions? I've been thinking about anxiety meds to help calm my nerves. Maybe even a friendly chat with fellow blushers. Hope to hear from you all! And all the best to everyone seeking help!!! ::eek::


Well-known member
Hello there! I don't really have problems with blushing (I only do so when I'm extremely embarrassed over something!). However, I'm also a nursing student in my third semester for RN training. Good for you for pursuing something like this! I think we'll both get a lot out of helping others. You sound like you're that type of person :) Good luck with that and I hope you find fellow blushers out there - I'm sure there are plenty! :)


Well-known member
i know that feeling only too well :( i cant work because my SA is too bad and blushing is once of my biggest fears and i even hate admiting that :s
thats great your getting on with things i know how much of a struggle it must be for you, well done and welcome to this forum! :)


Well-known member
i know that feeling only too well :( i cant work because my SA is too bad and blushing is once of my biggest fears and i even hate admiting that :s
thats great your getting on with things i know how much of a struggle it must be for you, well done and welcome to this forum! :)

Ohh, but blushing can even be CUTE!

Try crying in a career- or education-related context, yikes!! :mad: :eek:
I'm hoping that by learning how you guys blush (and stop blushing) I might even 'cut direct links' that trigger my crying problem, sigh... It just ain't pretty!! Blushing is MUCH more easy to cope with, imho - you can 'hide' with some lightning and shadow maybe, position yourself into a more advantageous position etc.. And it can be attractive, on a woman or a man..

I only get red in the face after strong exercise or eg climbing a hill.. (or because of sun!) I might even like a bit of blush on my pale cheeks now and then.. (In moderation, of course..)

I can see how it might be a problem, some patients could comment.. but maybe some people might really like you and might just tease you because they like you? :) It can be worse in some professions though, and easier in others..
Fife_girl, maybe you could work from home or in an office or something? (less people contact?)


Well-known member
Fife_girl, maybe you could work from home or in an office or something? (less people contact?)

well since i lost my job (was off sick too much..oops) i have done 2 reiki courses and im a qualified reiki healer and plan on going self employed, just need to build my confidence more, im not good on the phone so il need to try sort that for when clients call :(
im on the right path though and im pretty positive about it! (most of the time)
theres no way in hell i could work in an office :( unless i was the only person working there!! lol :)


Well-known member
well since i lost my job (was off sick too much..oops) i have done 2 reiki courses and im a qualified reiki healer and plan on going self employed, just need to build my confidence more, im not good on the phone so il need to try sort that for when clients call :(
im on the right path though and im pretty positive about it! (most of the time)
theres no way in hell i could work in an office :( unless i was the only person working there!! lol :)

WOW. I read a book about reiki once and tried it a bit, never went to a course though.. I felt something inside me 'shifted' and like I haven't been the same ever since..
Like some of the things that used to matter before just don't matter anymore..
A neighbour went to a course and said he didn't go to advanced course then, and like there was something odd about it.. So I don't know, I kinda got scared to experiment on my own with it a bit, though I've experimented with energy before (and later too).. It's a really pleasant warm feeling sometimes..

Sorry this seems to be offtopic.. :) Maybe we need a thread for reiki and energy healing, or is there one already? ;)

I worked in an office and sometimes I partly liked it, depends hugely on the office and how beautiful it is (or not) and what kind of people you are with... and feng shui :D and ergonomics etc. And sometimes I could be alone too, I liked that.

I thought about getting self-employed/freelancing or start a biz or non-profit too, not sure how to go about it and what is a smart move or not, I think it depends where you live.. It can be MUCH simpler to get self-employed in the UK I hear, paper-wise etc!!

Then a problem like crying appears (again) and I think, how smart is it to do anything that requires people contact, if I can burst into a fountain even with well-meaning people offering advice (or a piece of their mind!) /sigh/
But I really like some people contact, I get lonely if behind of computer too much, so I kinda need a balance.. The threads in this sub-forum seem helpful, somewhat!!


New member
All that I can say is that facial blushing really SUCKS. It is not our fault. It is involuntary due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system. I started having this problem a few years ago. I will cut a long story short. Don't suffer with this, seek medical help. It is not cute by no means! From my experience--trial and error with medications. Anticonvulsants do work--Neurontin or Lyrica. You won't believe the difference. Antidepressant work--I thought Lexapro was the best for this. Meds can cause side effects but keep trying different ones until you find one that suits you best. I have never tried it but I did hear that Klonopin works for this too. I am on Lyrica due to a nerve pain problem and it simutaneously helps the blushing. If you absolutely againsts meds, I would recommend St John's Wort or Kava Kava (over the counter herbs. Kava Kava you have to get at a health food store). I've noticed them to have some calming effects. Also, I've used prosacea--over the counter at Walgreens. It seemed to help some. Please don't live with it though. I know first hand how it can really affect your life. Only someone who has this problem really knows what I am talking about.
Yeah im a blusher, i dont feel like i suffer from social anxiety much but they are supposed to be linked, i cant remember the last time my face went completly pail but i refusse to take drugs or medication after all its all in the mind so its my mind im going to change. The things that are helpping me are self-help audios on confidence, positive thinking and on blushing, books, eating less inflamitory foods, a healthly lifstyle, meditation and exersises. Im yet to try yoga, i recomend you try these things they might work for you. Best of luck to all of you .


:)BlushingNurse ! - I would love to chat with you....I have the same problem - and it's effecting my life.. I would love to exchange thoughts - it's a lonely feeling dealing with this problem..sometimes i forget that there are others out there who are struggling with it too...hope to talk to you soon ! :) ::eek::


I blush quite a bit and I hate it. When I'm around other people and start to blush I feel like an idiot and get very embarrassed. I start thinking in my head that everyone is staring at me thinking "what the hell is wrong with this kid".


Active member
::eek:: Hey everyone, I stumbled across this forum tonight and it felt great to know Im not the only one who struggles with facial blushing. Speaking for myself, I almost always feel completely alone with this problem and I envy the people who can carry on freely in their lives without blushing but I know I'm not alone with this. I can almost remember the day (a very long time ago) when I realized that I had this problem. I've spent years trying different techniques to try and "hide" my blushing.....camouflage cosmetics, tanning lotions, exercising and so many other ridiculous attempts i thought might help. And like a few other people say on here, a little liquid courage does help, however, id rather not become a boozehound to help get through the day. haha. But I realized today, I've never actually admitted my problem to anyone and tried to seek help.

It seems that I blush when too much attention is put on me, which is unfortunate because Im a 27 year old nursing student so public speaking and group work is a huge part of my schooling. And within the past few years, the fear of blushing has become VERY prominant in my mind.....which we all know, only encourages more blushing, than develops into more axieties and so on (i hate that stupid cycle).

So here I am, if I'm going to make it through the next 3 years of nursing (and the rest of my life) I need to reach out for some help. I know im a good looking woman, with alot of great qualities to offer but my blushing seems to always shatter my confidence. For me, taking safety in numbers always makes me feel like I can tackle anything. So here's a shout out to all you other blushers. Blushers Unite!
Aside from the jokes, Im now starting to think I need some help as this problem is starting to take over too much of my life.....any suggestions? I've been thinking about anxiety meds to help calm my nerves. Maybe even a friendly chat with fellow blushers. Hope to hear from you all! And all the best to everyone seeking help!!! ::eek::

If I'm in your position, I'll be happy! Why? so that I won't need a blush on to scrub my cheeks. You should be grateful, you've got a natural blush!

Look at the bright side--others are so pale that they want to have rosy cheeks as yours.

Be proud of your blushing cheeks!


Well-known member
I've always had a problem with blushing. It's so bad now, I can't stand it. I'm constantly blushing. Even when I get excited about something, I blush. When I'm mad, I blush now, never used to do that before. When people are talking to me and I look them in the eye, I blush. No one's really teased me about it before, but I'm still really self-conscious about it.

Guys does your feet blush too like the ankles and such?
^ My ankles don't blush, but I've heard of that kind of thing happening when you do blush. Like, there was a thread somewhere on this site about knuckles becoming red when you blush? I didn't think it happened to me, but I noticed it while in class one day. It's weird... :p


Well-known member
I have a bad blushing problem, I have for as long as I can remember.
I blush whenever I talk to someone, even family...
Even when I'm not nervous and embarrsed I blush, and that just makes me embarrsed :/
I get called a tomato because I go entirely red. I hate it.


Well-known member
I blush in social situations too. Its really fustrating because it can happen anytime, anywhere and with anyone. I sometimes think if i could stop the blushing and just have inside anxiety symptoms i would be happier because my nerves wouldnt be so noticiable. But i know to stop blushing i have to stop the anxiety symptoms and the thought process first.

Until i do that blushing will remain with me. The thing is im not even embarrased when it starts but when it has happened, im embarrased then. And to people who say blushing is cute.....its not cute when it can happen paying for something, having a casual conversation, etc. It is a really hard thing to live with.

Guys does your feet blush too like the ankles and such?

I never blush on my anckles or anything. I do know with some people it can travelle down their neck


Active member
Yes, I'm a blusher & hate it!!!! I've heard it's cute, you'll grow out of it, no one notices, etc. I'll admit it's not as bad as it was a few years ago, but I'd really like for it to go away. I especially hate when it happens in front of a member of the opposite of sex. They automatically assume it's because you're attracted to them. Explaining it as a symptom of social anxiety is kind of a tough sell, but when I'm actually attracted to the person it's even worse!

Someone here mentioned how blushing is related to the sympathetic nervous system so maybe cardiovascular training could help someone get a better hold of it? I don't know if you have the time as a nursing student. I'm a psychology grad student so I definitely understand your public speaking dilemma.


Blushing or Rosacea, I don't know which I have but sometimes I feel like I could fry an egg on these cheeks, they get so hot. Then it's a race to see if my face will
burst into flame. All I know is, whenever I walk past a mirror anywhere (especially in those dang store mirrors) my face is always red ::eek::