Feel like selling everything i own.


Well-known member
I feel like selling all of my posessions and moving to somewhere else and start afresh. I'm so sick of having material posessions which i don't even feel i deserve to own, i own two cars because i live at home and have no other payments....But what's the point!? I'd rather live in a sparse little shack and be happy than living the meaningless life i have now.


Well-known member
If you feel like you're unhappy and your life at the moment is meaningless, then I would definitely suggest a change. A change that satisfies you. Maybe starting over again fresh would be a good thing for ya.

Although, you don't want to do anything you'll regret out of a spur-of-the-moment type of thing either. Just something to think about.


Well-known member
It's something I've definitely considered. I still live at home and spend very little of the money I earn. The only problem is when you consider the practicalities. I was looking at houses in remote places though. Thing is I rarely consider the difficulties of moving to a new place and starting again and having to live there. It's a kind of make or break situation, although you could sell up and move back if it all went wrong.


Well-known member
Your the same person no matter where you go, but i agree i could do without alot of material possesions too and could live up in the mountains in a cabin and just go fishing and find a part time job or grow a garden , have a simple life.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
where ever you go, there you are. too bad you cant file for a restraining order against yourself. id do it in a heart beat.


Well-known member
lol yea know what you mean ...... run away with out possesions , but then were would you go how would you live with out them , you need stuff possesions to live , but i know what you mean , dont feel guilty about owning a few things , having nothing wont make you feel any better , it wont make you find some inner peace , that will only come from you being happy with yourself , naaa mate keep hold of what you have


Well-known member
i would love to have the guts to just go!
anywhere! just anywhere i wanted to go!

apart from baghdad like!

I don't know mate... Jeannie from the show "I dream of Jeannie" was from Baghdad... Barbara Eden I believe is her name... Back in the day growing up, I had a massive crush on her...


Well-known member
For sure. I need so little to be happy. I am close to making a move to somewhere cheap and remote and trying to live simply. Modern society has made everything easier and at the same time taken the joy out of everything.


Well-known member
I'm considering selling a lot of my possessions in the upcoming future also. Just cause I don't want to have so much stuff and because I'm hoping to plan a big move within the next few years. So less to move.


Well-known member
Just don't do a Tyler, burn down your house and possessions and all and establish a fight club (Yeah... Fight Club, good film heh)

Anyway, i think we all have those thoughts sometimes. Maybe you truly do need a change, maybe it's a looking for pastures greener type of thing. Just take some time to carefully consider what you're doing...
Ok i'm scared! I'm actually scared of leaving the comfort of my home which i have grown up in, and having my parents there, sounds pathetic i know::(:

you could try short excursions first, and build up to longer ones, and see how it goes. before i moved across the country by myself (yeah, i had the same desires in my 20s), i first went on some long cross-country road trips alone, and LOVED it. i also got to scout out places that i was thinking of moving to.

i say, go for it! :)


Active member
I do know what you mean. Perhaps it's not so much about getting rid of your possessions but starting anew? Completely changing location and environment. Going through a cleansing process maybe? Perhaps this will make you feel better and feel free?
I have made a complete change and moved to England but I am afraid I haven't changed. I was okay at first but now that I have been here awhile and should now be knuckling down to find a job, I am starting to slightly sh*t myself ::(: I am now even having thoughts of returning home as it would be the easier option but everyone is expecting me to do that, even my mum. She said she thought we would go back and I said why, do you think it's because I won't find a job and she said yes. She did say that she didn't care even though the plan was for us to stay here because she has had her life and enjoyed it and has enjoyed the holiday she is having. Somehow I wish she hadn't said it because it makes it easier for me to chicken out and go home.
So Recluse, you could consider moving but if you are serious the best plan would be to apply for jobs somewhere else and then move to where it is. Perhaps that is your escape. That's if you didn't chicken out like I might just do soon!!! :rolleyes:
Man life is hard with our issues.
I was just thinking about those movies where the main character goes through some problems and thinks stuff it I am outta here. They pack up their car and move somewhere completely different and make a new life for themselves, make friends with their quirky neighbours and find true love.
Oh I wish that was real life :D


Well-known member
Hi forever blue, where are you originally from?

I don't really want to get rid of my posesssions it's more of a jaded feeling i've got about life, i guess i spend money on myself to fill a void but i end up feeling empty anyway.

I don't have a job so it doesn't help that i don't have much of an initiative to move.


Active member
I am from Australia (haha don't mention the cricket-even someone working at the York Minster mentioned that to me today :rolleyes:). My parents were born in the West Midlands and I have been to the UK a few times on holiday but it's still a bit of a culture shock, especially when I see all these party-hard types all over the place. I think how on earth can I fit in here.

I know that jaded feeling, that's why I came over here. I had that feeling for quite a few years and could put up with it no more. I had had enough of everything at home. I was stuck in a major rut. So I thought the cure would be to come over here. Here's hoping I can stick it out!

I think that the fact you don't have a job (like me) is the major problem. If you have a job then you at least feel slightly 'normal' and part of society. But when you don't, you have that isolated and lonely feeling creep up on you. Plus the added daily stress of thinking 'I have to get a job I have to get a job'. I have been getting that horrible stomach churning due to the thought of having to find a job.
And of course the longer you don't have a job the harder it is to go and get a job due to the social side and also not wanting to have to leave the house every day. You start to enjoy doing 'nothing'. Sleeping in, staying up late watching TV, going to the shops when you want. Once you have a job that all goes out the window. Perhaps that's just my laziness!!!! hehe


Well-known member
I have the urge to sell everything, not because I want to leave the country (wouldn't even make enough money to live for a month or two) but because I am broke and my bills keep stacking while my paychecks stay so low. I can't stand this anymore. Just kill me already.