feel like just cutting my wrsits open

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
I feel so lonely, everyday at school I get more uninterested with what I'm doing. Always I dread waking up because I know I'm just waking up to more anxieties and stress. I dont have any freinds anymore. I hate the way I am. I just want end it.


Well-known member
you get one life to live. once you're dead that's it, you're facing oblivion. Is that really the answer to your problem?

Suicidal tendency has been proven to be brief over and over, ie railings added to a bridge stopped a large percentage of suicide jumpers because they had several minutes more between impulse and actual commitment of action.

My opinion is that our life is already so brief and fleeting there's no reason to shorten it anymore. Try to get something good out of your time.


Well-known member
Hey, seems like you've been going through some tough times.. ((hugs))
You know your life can totally change in a year or two - when you finish school you may go to college/university or start working, or take time off to travel or go volunteering.. You can meet new people in all of those ways, and probably some others too...

If you don't have friends right now, that means you had 'em and you can find new friends or reconnect with old friends again! (I've done both, so I know it's possible!)

If you're in high school, march and april can be quite stressful, may and june are usually easier... So imagine how relaxing it will be in the holidays or something! Or when you finish school.. I know someone who was totally stressed in high school, then had way more fun at uni, had some rough times at work and is now quite enjoying it all.. Things can change..

Maybe you could plan a trip/travel or even mini-trip to the park or a cool place (depends what you're interested in, botanic gardens or observatory of stars, museums, galleries or other cool places)?
Life can be great, life can be difficult. but don't give up. there is always hope.
wait until the time comes that you will enjoy life again.
It might take a while, but it's worth it to experience a beautiful time.
Currently, I'm not amazed about my life aswell, and previously I would've had the same thoughts, but now I think differently.

Look what you throw away, the People who love you.
And the times you'll still live and YOU DO feel good about yourself.
If you just keep believing in good times, it will be closer than you think.;)

and as for school, when you make homework, try to take some 30 min break pause, just to relax.
try to establish whether you approach things calmly. and relaxation, find relaxation.
Do things you like. especially enjoy the little things.

You just feel what you have now, you will not have it every moment.
enjoy the moments when you feel happy again. think about that.
remember the good times, think back to great memories,
enjoy the times you've had, but look forward to a better future.:)
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Well-known member
It's tough when you feel this self-sabotaging streak of anger rise up from within. I've broken a lot of shìt in the past; people's stuff, my stuff, I've broken my knuckles taking my anger out on walls and other pointless nonsense that you say "wow, was that really worth it?" in hindsight. I'm just as guilty as you in terms of feeling self-destructive, but the one thing I have learned is that your problems are still there after you've felt that anger and despair so it's probably best to try and find something relaxing whereby you can think about everything logically and decompress as best you can. This too shall pass, I guess.


Well-known member
These times can pass, and change into something better. There could be great times in your future it is possible, and you might miss ou on living them.

I felt like that at school too, but it didn't last. Even though I've felt all hope was lost many times since school, I've lived some great times too, and I'm so glad I didn't give up and end it at high school.


Well-known member

I'm gonna tell you the only thing that keeps me from ending my life. Life sucks, yea it does but tell me what do you know about death? sure it could be better but what if it's not, hell what if it's actually worse. stick to the pain you know, not the one you don't.

Drew M

Well-known member
I'm gonna tell you the only thing that keeps me from ending my life. Life sucks, yea it does but tell me what do you know about death? sure it could be better but what if it's not, hell what if it's actually worse. stick to the pain you know, not the one you don't.

That's a good way of turning that safety net of suicide on its head. When things are sink or swim hard I always end up just floating though.