Fear of intruders?


Anybody else here have a fear of intruders?

I remember when I was younger and staying home alone at night, if I wanted to take a shower I would bring a knife with me (for self-defense) but most of the time I would end up just staying in there, sitting on the floor, near the door until my family came home (that's how I would know that it was safe to come out.) I avoid going into any room now when I'm home alone or else I'll end up having to stay in there and that's no fun. Sometimes I stay up at night becasue of insomnia and the rest of my family is sleeping. I get up like every 10-20 minutes and turn on all the lights, check the lock and the closets. It just gives me that temporary relief from the anxiety.

I've never really paid any attention to my ocd and it hasn't really effected my life too much- probably because I still live with my family. Today I was wondering how my ocd could even be a problem. I then realized that if I move out, which I plan to, and live on my own then I might see how severe my ocd is. If I take a shower, my family wont be coming home later to "rescue me". Who knows how long I would be stuck in there. My family is kinda like reassurance.


Well-known member
I have this sometimes, but not as severe as what you're describing. I often have to check under my bed and in my closet before I'll go to sleep. Sometimes twice. I also won't answer the door. Sometimes when I shower when no one's home I'm really paranoid. It runs through my mind what I'd do if someone came in and how weird it would be to jump out my bathroom window in a towel. I always end up leaving the bathroom though without too much worry when all is said and done. It's not a constant concern for me, but when I get in a certain mind set like that I have to do that kind of thing. My advice for you would be to try and get yourself to do things and test your surroundings even though you have the worry. And then when you find that there's nothing really to be so afraid of, it might get better.


I check under my bed and closet too. I'm finding that just talking about it or acknowledging it is a small step in the right direction...although I just did my "check". It's also hard because to me, the fear is rational/ a possibility. I just need that relief of checking. I can't imagine not doing it
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Well-known member
I've had this feeling but not as severe as yourself. Mine are mostly when I'm outside my home. If I'm in front of a convenience store or gas station, I always lock my doors for fear that someone willl try and rob the place and I'll be witness to it or when I'm alone in a car period. I make sure all windows are sealed up and doors locked because I'm always afraid someone will try and get into the car with me in it. It's irrational but I never really second guess it. Better safe than sorry, although you problem sounds more difficult than mine.
after i read the shining i thought there was a blue dead woman in my bathtub for about a week. this is kinda unrelated but i'm bored and felt like posting
Lock your doors

Actually, no. It seems like something I would be paranoid about, but I probably care less than I actually should. I don't even lock the doors because I feel it's so unlikely anyone would ever break in. I remember one time someone left the front door open all weekend and nothing even happened. Caring too little is just as stupid as caring too much though. I also think dogs help. Because if anyone tried to break in they'd meet the wrath of a big white furry dog. Not the little one!!.


Well-known member
being from the countryside in Ireland i am fortunate to have no fear whatsoever of intruders its very un-common for ppl too break in to houses here and if they did they wouldn't be violent and prob wouldn't even have a gun. I often leave the door wide open when i'm there(probably not if i lived in a town)and if we left the house and didn't lock it no one would have gone near the house
being from the countryside in Ireland i am fortunate to have no fear whatsoever of intruders its very un-common for ppl too break in to houses here and if they did they wouldn't be violent and prob wouldn't even have a gun. I often leave the door wide open when i'm there(probably not if i lived in a town)and if we left the house and didn't lock it no one would have gone near the house

Sounds ideal. Quite common in the states, and with so many people having guns.