

Well-known member
how the hell do some people not care what people think, and like drawing attention to themselves? Today at the supermarket i work with a girl who works there (who is a nice person) started spontaneously dancing to the music in front of all the customers near the checkouts. I was on one of the checkouts serving customers and i felt embarassed and felt myself cringe. Why are some people so introverted and others the opposite? I hate drawing attention to myself


Well-known member
I have a friend who is exactly like that. She doesn't care about what she does in public, even if it looks embarassing. One time she was eating oily turkey breast with her bare hands and sharing it with her parents. The people sitting at the other table commented on how disgusting this is, but she didn't seem to care. Now that I think about it, this is one of the qualities of extroverted leaders - they do their own thing without caring about what other people think.


Well-known member
I was at a stopsign the other day and this other guy next to me on his bike was making all these dance moves.

Whereas my initial reaction was also a bit awkward, I think it's actually a beautiful thing that some people are able to be themselves like that in public, not feeling any shame. Why should you feel any shame? If you feel good, comfortable and feel like dancing, why not?

I probably won't be able to do that because I care too much what people think, but I feel happy for those who are that blessed at heart that they can be free like that. Of course as long as it doesn't overly annoy people.


Well-known member
Sounds like my sister in the store. She bounces up and down to intercom music in the store and she got her kids doing it too. It's hilarious to me to see it from far away. I'm introverted and I like random dances, maybe my family have boogie worms in their DNA I don't know.
My sister is like that... She can be loud and obnoxious in public. She likes being the center of attention. I enjoy attention now and then, but not by acting like a fool in public. ergh