Do you ever get a little irritated at how exclusive people can be towards people who are shy? I can be outgoing and friendly in circles where I feel welcome/I know someone, but usually I can be reserved and passive. Usually I do better when talking one on one with someone who has a personality 'click' with me. But I notice how some people act snobby/exclusive toward me I think because I am quiet. I notice sometimes certain people just ask each other to go out on the weekend right in front of me in class @ college (at the same lab table) or other stuff like that, and pointedly ignore me like I'm not even there. It's not that I want to go out with them, I have anxiety about that and also I work 24/7 during the weekends, but nonetheless I don't understand why some people act that way towards others who they perceive as shy or serious. I really want to know the psychology behind it.
also...sometimes I notice how people in groups just totally ignore me or in class activities, don't even turn their chairs to let me in the group. Today I had to ask this person in front of me to turn his chair so I could see what was going on.
I don't understand how some people just so easily are able to be outgoing and happy around others, and just "fit in". I just don't relate to most interests are usually so different from 99% of Seymore from Ghost World...
also...sometimes I notice how people in groups just totally ignore me or in class activities, don't even turn their chairs to let me in the group. Today I had to ask this person in front of me to turn his chair so I could see what was going on.
I don't understand how some people just so easily are able to be outgoing and happy around others, and just "fit in". I just don't relate to most interests are usually so different from 99% of Seymore from Ghost World...
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