I don't totally agree with the "when something is wrong in my life, it must be my fault" theory. Shy people aren't always excluded because of their own actions. I think that a lot of society has a problem with insecurity, and excludes shy people because there is something wrong with many (not all) outgoing people: they are the ones that are afraid.
It takes two people to make a conversation. That includes the outgoing people. You guys shouldn't just be blaming us shy people. Don't forget that outgoing people have a duty to initiate more conversation because it is easier for them.
It angers me that even on this website, I get 100% blame placed on me for my troubles socially. Every conversation shouldn't have to be started by one person, especially the shy person.
There is a severe problem with a lot society, many people look at shy people as lower beings. Let me emphasize that not everyone does this, but there are a fair amount of people that do. I've found that there are even fellow shy people that think less of other shy people.
I think shyness is the most disrespected disability on the planet. Most people won't laugh at a guy in a wheelchair, but they don't hesitate to call the shy guy a wimp.
You're right that people often treat shy people poorly. I wouldn't consider myself extremely shy that I can't talk to people--I do talk to people, more than I used to, but I do have trouble making more than acquaintances and all the while, I a lot of times have anxiety and feel awkward during interactions. Also, often times other people will make friends/ask for each other's phone numbers but never ask for mine. And I realize, I don't WANT to know them/hang out with them, bbut at the same time this rejection hurts me. Ive come to realize that many people probably don't mean to, they just "click" with certain people. And quiet people usually appear aloof or whatever, and that's intimidating or off-putting.
I have a boyfriend who has had some issues making friends as well, so I don't feel pressured to explain myself or hide things about my issues in this area like I do with other people who just don't understand what it's like to be ostracized or bullied (like what happened to me in high school).
It didn't always used to be this way. I've always retained a certain reserve, but back when I was a child, I was able to have a circle of friends. I was never like, ms popular, but I wasn't how I am now. In middle school I had friends. Not a ton,but I had some. Then some horrible things happened to me when I was a teenager, and basically everyone hated me. I was like a leper because I dressed like a hippie and acted kind of screwy and all this stuff. But my stepfather was abusing me and I ran away and got abused (raped) on the streets and basically fell deeper into this hole of despair, dropping out of school, running away, trying to kill myself three times , in and out of psychiatric units and all the like.
I go to community college & still live with my mother (she's divorced from him, but has some new guy), but I soemtimes go on facebook and see the people who basically stopped being my friend in high school and I see how they have like 500 friends on their facebook, go to expensive universities, and have pictures of parties and all this crap. And I wonder, what happened to me exactly? Why couldn't my life be like theirs? Why can't I be happy, outgoing and not have to work all the time while going to school. But then you realize that maybe things happen for a reason..
And I've realized how superficial people are; you change one thing about you or you act screwy like you're obviously an abused child and they're your friends and they don't even care or try to help you they just abandon you and make fun of you. This is a very painful thing to go through.
I think my adolescence basically sucked, and I think it was a determinant factor in the way I am today. Of course, I'm a lot better socially than I was say , 2 or 3 years ago. I'm not totally weird or angry anymore, I can talk to people and some people seem to like me, even if they never try to be my friend outside of work or whatever, but I've just now come to the realization that I'll never be like them. And that's okay. I think now I've become more reclusive...I'd rather stay at home and do my own business then go out with people because at this point, I've developed this horrible case of anxiety that I think came from rejection.
I'm just trying to say that sometimes shyness is part genetic and the anxiety that comes with social anxiety can also come from environmental things. Like this person also posted-you can be shy and still have friends. But there's a difference when you have sa.
okay sorry for the long post.