Excessive yawning..

I get this from time to time, I had it bad yesterday, I couldnt stop yawning. It literally ruins my whole day and makes it hard to talk to people or enjoy myself etc. After a while I feel drained from yawning, and trying to get myself to stop. Ive also had breathing trouble (knock on wood) where I felt like no matter what I did I couldnt breathe right, I haven't had it in a while thank God.
I know I don't have asthma or anything like that and I know its not from being tired. I think it could be anxiety related or I have read heart problems can cause these things.
Today I had this weird instinct, because this morning I felt like I was getting the yawns again, to take an aspirin, and it seems to have helped. Not sure if its a weird placebo thing or what. Does anyone have this problem??
Lol, I yawned the moment I read the title!

I've read that yawning helps you concentrate and keep you alert and makes your brain function more efficiently. I am not aware however of any physical problems linked to excessive yawning...


Well-known member
yes , i noticed that just yesterday, i'm yawning a lot ! does that have something to do with SA ?
About the breathing problems, sometimes i don't feel good when breathing, i don't know how to describe it but when breathing i don't feel the satiation that i supposed to feel when i normally breath. It happens especially when i think about it ! i don't know if someone experience the same ??


Well-known member
Lol, I yawned the moment I read the title!

Haha me too. I can't stop now! Though it might also be the fact that I've been awake for a very long time! ;)

I get this from time to time, I had it bad yesterday, I couldnt stop yawning...

I think I've had the same problem before -- your description about the weird breathing problem is familiar to me. It feels as though no matter how deep of a breath I take, I'm not filling my lungs up or something. As a result I just keep yawning and yawning because it's like the only way to get a satisfying breath.


Well-known member
I do this as well! It's kinda funny because it allows me to go to bed whenever I want, people get so tired of me yawning but it can certainly ruin a day sometimes.


Well-known member
It scientifically makes sense to yawn when you are not breathing properly. A yawn is the bodies reaction to having high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. A yawn allows you to fill your lungs with air and to increase oxygen levels in the blood.

I've had in the past a tic that affected my breathing, it made me gasp for air at times. It's the worst tic I've ever experienced. Breathing seems to be one of those things that you can't do properly if you think about it.
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i dont understand how if someone yawns in the room then you or others will yawn too. it must be contagious (ps i had to google contagious)
Ive been reading up on it and scientifically nobody has come to a conclusion as to why we do. Only guesses.
All I know is its annoying. I started having trouble with this over a year ago. Never had this problem before. It comes and goes. I think its probably a tic more so then a medical problem, there's different types, obviously like twitching or fidgeting, clearning the throat, coughing etc are all tics.


Well-known member
You know what sometimes i yawn when i am nervous or just want to look not arkward by just doing nothing. Also if you yawn in someones face they think your rude. Lol!

Last week i had massive breathing difficulties and was very stressed. My hair was falling out a little too. That made me even more worried. Now its gone thankgoodness.

I think it is something to do with anxiety.


Active member
I tend to yawn regularly when I'm nervous. Then I worry that people will think I'm being rude or am bored with their company when in fact I'm just anxious and tired. Now that I think about it I get anxious when yawning anywhere in public because it seems to be accepted that it's a sign of boredom.


Well-known member
I can assure you that it's anxiety related. I have this problem when I'm feeling stressed about something. Sometimes it's only for a few hours or so...Sometimes it's constantly for a few weeks if I'm dreading an event in the future.

What happens to me is that when I'm stressed/nervous/anxious/whatever, my muscles tense up...Including those that help me breathe! It becomes hard to breathe and rather than breathing deeply I take short shallow breaths trying to get air into my lungs. Of course, it doesn't work! I end up focusing on my breathing and the more I do so, the less I can breathe. I take many unsatisfying breaths until after a few minuts of suffering I'm able to take a deep breath that keeps me going for a few more minutes. OR I try to yawn...Yawning usually does the trick. But, it's become difficult to do even that. :( I have to stop everything and focus on yawning. If someone makes a noise in a different room, I lose my concentration and can't yawn. It's the most annoying, ridiculous thing and causes anxiety itself. I frequently get tension headaches because of this.

The only thing I can suggest to you, is to manage your stress. Pinpoint what it is you're stressed about and try to find ways to eliminate it. Or just spend 30 minutes each day doing something that completely takes your mind off of everything. Yoga, meditation, watching a movie, going for a walk, visiting a friend...whatever floats your boat!

The Nephilim

Well-known member
Lack of proper oxygen can cause excessive yawning and sighing.

This could be something to do with your intake of oxygen. Most of us don't take in enough oxygen with the way we breath.

Do you find that when you breath in, your tummy flattens and expands when you are breathing out? if so, try the opposite.

Take a deep breath through your nose, fill your body with oxygen, allow your stomach (diaphragm) to expand, hold, and breathe out. This is the correct way we should be breathing anyway. Sounds like a bit more effort than just breathing the way we do, but once you get into the habit it will become normal and very beneficial to your overall well being.

They also say that oxygenated blood helps anxiety and depression, there are also a lot of other relaxing techniques around breathing.

Hope this possibly helps with your issue. :)
I also think that that could be a lack of oxygen, sleep debt and accumulated fatigue. Try to go outside and breath fresh air when you can, and see if yawning stops for some time. Check the quality and amount of sleep.

Fighting this problem myself, but in my case the chronic fatigue and huge sleep debt in addition to anxiety are involved, it takes a lot of time to normalize.
Okay, so I saw my psychiatrist today and told her about the yawning, she agrees that its a tic brought on by stress, she kept asking what triggered it, and it had to be something. The only thing I could think was work, I had a day off last monday, took it to just relax, and when I went back to work tuesday thats when I started yawning and couldn't stop, maybe I need to take a longer vacation and get away from things.
Ive had this problem in the past too, and I think the fear of yawning doesnt help.
But Ive found a couple things that help since this problem resurfaced, drinking cold water can help, and chewing gum. I told my psychiatrist about the chewing gum and she said to keep doing it if it helps to keep me from yawning. So if anyone else has this tic maybe those things can help you too, but basically you have to let it run its course as tics do not last forever or anything, they could last up too a few months or more and also its best if you don't suppress your tics.


Active member
Take a deep breath through your nose, fill your body with oxygen, allow your stomach (diaphragm) to expand, hold, and breathe out. This is the correct way we should be breathing anyway. Sounds like a bit more effort than just breathing the way we do, but once you get into the habit it will become normal and very beneficial to your overall well being.

This is a good habit to get into. It can be surprising to feel just how much tension there is when you take a nice deep breath from the stomach!

The Nephilim

Well-known member
This is a good habit to get into. It can be surprising to feel just how much tension there is when you take a nice deep breath from the stomach!

Yeah, that's right CC81. So it's a good habit to get into, to release stress through out the day. I've just started a new job. So i'm in training at the moment, I've been conscious of doing this, as it helps with concentration etc.

These are breathing techniques that singers use for singing, they also teach this in yoga.

It can also help if you have trouble sleeping. Focus on slow deep breathes.