ever get the feeling everyone hates you?


Well-known member
they dont really hate me but kind of look down on me and avoid me because of my low self-esteem and my awkwardness in social situation


Well-known member
Either they don't like me or they are only talking to me because they are nice.
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Hate, no. I may be the opposite. The more people talk the more I am annoyed. I have more to say. It will go in circles though. Stopping here is good.


Active member
i think some teachers & friends do.. but I dont blame them for that..
i mean, who would like someone with personality like mine... ?


Not sure about hate, but I think a lot of people dislike me. I have seen people visibly look disgusted when they see me. I dont know, it hurts my feelings a lot especially when I try to be friendly to people.... I dont think I am someone that invokes feelings of interest in people...I invoke feelings of contempt instead.

I just cant be bothered with people anymore... They are too mean and too hard to understand...and they just make me feel bad.


Well-known member
Hmmmmm...I don't know.

I know I don't care for the majority of people.

As far as their feeling towards me I shift from a typical "I don't care" to when I am forced to socialize (like a work environment) having a paranoia of sorts. I feel everyone is holding me down and prohibiting me from being the best I can be. Now, are hey doing that from hatred of me, jealousy, or a mixture of both? I don't know. I mean, there has to be a reason that no one has ever just handed me the ball and let me run, and I know it's not me or my abilities because I kick ass, especially compared to the plebeians in the area which I live.

So maybe I am hated. I know I am feared.


Not really, only sometimes. There are so many times when I was treated better than I deserved or was told nice and encouraging things.


New member
People have come up and told me they hate being around me because I'm too quiet/calm/boring . . .etc.
People have said that I was "mean" because I don't talk to anyone!
I really do feel everyone hates me at school. The glares they give me in class, when I'm attempting to do a presentation in class. . etc.
You know what sucks?
When teachers try to make friends for you.
Man, don't you just hate high school.

Hi! Yes, you're right, school can make you suffer a LOT. When I finished school I just couldn't believe I finally got rid of them all!!! Then I went to university and my life got a lot better than before, but I still did suffer some bad times there (more because of trouble in my mind as a result of past experiences) and finally when I finished university I got free and now I rule my own life.
Of course things are never perfect, and today I still have a lot of negative things inside my head and self-esteem problems, but when I look back... it was a LOT worse, it was a nightmare really.
But now, believe me, it's like a rebirth. You finish all school and university and then you finally get your LIFE, and you start to feel a LOT better.

In school I was very quiet and never talked to ANYONE. I only spoke when teachers asked me something (and I was always praying they would not!!).
I hated the school playground so I used to pray the heavens to make it rain a LOT so teachers would allow me to stay indoors, inside the classroom.
I spent all the time alone, and almost always reading a book.
Almost everyone at school called me fat and other really crazy names ALL THE TIME.
In teamwork projects and in the sports class no one would choose me for their team.
For all those reasons I got anorexia when I was 13, and I lost a lot of weight (about a half of my whole weight).

Fortunately now all those things stay in a distant past. Or at least, I try to keep them there. I try hard everyday not to let those BAD memories affect me and my behaviour. Of course, sometimes I fail, other times I succeed.

And when you think that everyone hates you, remember that:

-most of the times it is just in your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-you have the right to exist so you can go anywhere you want to, and do what you want to do (as long as you don't hurt others of course)
-and even if 3 or 4 people really hate you, just let them do (you don't need their support, there are millions of other people in this world who can be nice to you if you give them a chance)

Thank you all for hearing me!!!!!!!
Sometimes, but not hate so much. Just that people don't like me because Im quiet, or they think Im a snob etc. I've never had anyone say things like that, maybe its in my head but sometimes it just seems or feels that way.


Well-known member
@ MidnightStar:

I get feelings kinda like that too. I tend to type a lot because I feel a little more comfortable once I start. I guess the illusion of comfort stems from the fact that I am distant from the other participants. I feel safe from them for a shirt while because the fact that it's online makes me feel not-so-attached to the situation. I also feel a bit better about posting online because I can put a lot of thought into my words. I'm not on the spot, and if I convince myself I don't want to risk myself by posting, I can always back out.

But there are times I look back at what I've typed (like now) and I start to think... "I ranted, it's not really on topic, I'll probably just come off as annoying..." and other negative things like that. It's probably kinda silly that I care so much about be not being ridiculed in an online community, but I can't help it.


Well-known member
I think most people just don't know and understand me.

I was asked a few times, why do I barely speak.

And I always say: "Because I only speak, when I have something to say."

Actually it quite annoys me, when other people talk about 'nothing'. They just talk to hear their voices, but don't say anything.
I think most people just don't know and understand me.

I was asked a few times, why do I barely speak.

And I always say: "Because I only speak, when I have something to say."

Actually it quite annoys me, when other people talk about 'nothing'. They just talk to hear their voices, but don't say anything.

Agreed. Worst part is when I do speak or say something *everyone* pays attention. No, no. No pressure at all. Which only brings me back to not saying anything. Yes, I like circles.