Ever find it challenging just to thnik of something worth saying?


Well-known member
Whether it be in person or online I often sit at my computer chair for several minutes just trying to think of one thing to say that is actually worthwhile to say. I mean I could rant on about nonsense until the next Lunar Eclipse but that would pretty much just be a waste of everyones time, including mine. I often like to talk about progression as it relates to my recovery through the psychological and mental wilderness I've been going through so for long. It's like I haven't seen the Sun in years. No rays of hope, just this reassuring voice (not literally speaking to me) telling me that it can only get harder and harder with the longer you exist on Earth. I counter this thought usually by saying to myself that recovery is possible, and that anxiety that is like a giant at the time can be seen for what it is the longer you put yourself in front of it, challenging it, and developing both courage and strength in yourself.

I can't count how many things appeared to be gigantic to me at one time that are now small and insignificant. Even social fears, interactions, "knowing what to say?" awkward silences. Even though they are still right there every time I am put in that situation, I deal with it, I go through it, I hardly ever call phone now to get picked up, instead I just tell myself that time has to continue to move toward the future, and there will be a time when it is over, and I will still be breathing and alive at the end.

Anyway, this was more so just a rant, but hopefully some of it made sense.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Aye, it's always a challenge for me... At times, ah just kinda ah've got nothin' that worth sayin', really.
For me the problem is having to much to say and no one to say it to, Im into like a million things no one is really interested in.
Sometimes it's ok to just sit back and listen.
Sometimes it's ok to just talk shit about nothing.

Realize it's not important to have something worth saying or saying anything at all.

If you have something to say, go for it.
If you have something to say and don't want to say it, that is ok.


Well-known member
That's partly the issue, I am NEVER in the mood to talk, like EVER. I usually just respond with head nods. lol instead of actually responding with my voice.


Well-known member
Yep. I started a thread a little while ago about how I can't seem to stop saying stupid things due to the fact that I feel I need to say something worthwhile during awkward silences. I am trying to learn to just stay quiet until I actually have something of value to say.
Again, I guess I'm the odd one out. There have been moments were I have something brilliant to say, but it flies over everyones head. I am such a nerd.


Well-known member
I kind of agree with you outsider. It is probably wiser to learn to just speak when it comes to you naturally. The problem I'm facing however is that that moment never seems to come, and when it does, if it does, my voice shakes with anxiety. <_< No confidence at all! (or too self-conscious/aware) one of the two. But going back to what you said, if it doesn't come naturally then it's best not said because if you talk when it's not natural then you may say something unintentional.


Well-known member
Yeah , that's one of the two most common scenarios when I attempt to have a conversation. Either I want to say something but my mind is just blank, or I know exactly what I want to say but can't make the words come out of my mouth. :kickingmyself: