To start off, if I were to rate myself from 1-10 I'd honestly say I'm either a 5 or a 6 rating on my physical appearance. I don't want to be some of those people that sound vain, but I know that I'm not the MOST prettiest girl that has ever walked on this planet. I still have flaws and problems just like everyone else, just like every other human being on Earth. I sometimes hate when people overstate comments like "You have the greatest hair in the world." "You are perfect." I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind receiving compliments once in a while if someone tells me your hair looks nice today or I love your shoes, ect. But there's times where people like to go over board and act as if I'm the only person in this world that's flawless and probably think I'm free from any problem in life. Wrong. I think due to my appearance, it may be part of the reason why no one ever takes me seriously, even if I try to show them my other qualities/traits that are worth more than just my appearance alone. Some people can't look beyond that. The only reason I look "perfect" when ever I meet people for any occasion is the make up that hides all my imperfections underneath. I'm not here to prove I'm better than anyone because of my looks. I have flaws/qualities about myself that don't make me perfect that people wouldn't notice, I'll list them: Flat feet, pimples/zits, dry thick hair, dark circles under eyes, double joints, near eye sightedness, non verbal skills, clumsiness, moles(there's one above my left eyebrow I had to get scraped off), tremors in my hands, ect. The only reason they don't notice these imperfections is when I fix myself up. That is the only time that people see who I am, they don't see the other side of me. Now if a lot of people knew all about this, I think they would be able to understand that I'm just like everyone else that has problems. I get irritated when people will treat me as if I'm a princess/ragdoll and I feel if it weren't for my looks alone, I would've never gone this far in my life, what with keeping friends/catching other people's attention. It's not necessarily a good thing that if all people are going to care about are my looks, then they are only going to see that aspect of myself and nothing more. I don't want to be seen as this typical eye candy hollywood star with no substance. I have talents that I'd like to pursue, writing, music, art, ect.