ever feel like smashing your house up?


Day after day after day!!

right now all i feel like doing is smashing my house up or smashing my head through a double glazing window, just through sheer anger, depression, anxiety etc.

its either that or sit here and cry!

its the same thing day after day after day!

you get get out of bed, you cant leave the house, you switch on tv, the news is on (people getting raped, murdered, animals being tortured for fun, etc)

you try and take your mind off of everything bad by hoping by this time tomorrow you might be dead!

no such luck!

i must of watched JOHNNY CASH - HURT on utube about 45 times today, it makes me feel a little less upset by knowing someone as famous as he was felt the same way

do any you guys ever feel like this?
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Man u said everything i am feeling right now. I do get out a little everyday, but when i come back home, depression just sets back in and i want to murder sumthing!!!!! I always say that i wish i didnt wake up the next morning, I cant take feeling like this


Well-known member
Yes. Sometimes, I imagine just throwing things around or taking a hammer and smashing through a bunch of windows in my house! I get frustrated with everything and I feel like I need to do something extreme to get it all out. I usually just end up screaming in a pillow, though. :p


Man u said everything i am feeling right now. I do get out a little everyday, but when i come back home, depression just sets back in and i want to murder sumthing!!!!! I always say that i wish i didnt wake up the next morning, I cant take feeling like this

hi gio mate, im sorry you feel this way too, IT SUCKS!


Yes. Sometimes, I imagine just throwing things around or taking a hammer and smashing through a bunch of windows in my house! I get frustrated with everything and I feel like I need to do something extreme to get it all out. I usually just end up screaming in a pillow, though. :p

hi kuhtreen, yep i know about the hammer thing too, i had to actually get rid of my one!


Well-known member
i understand the feeling. sometimes all the stress, anger, frustration and everything that bothers you just builds up. its sometimes so hard to contain. i think the best way is to exercise. i mean it'll be more productive


Well-known member
I know this feeling it just tends to all build up inside of you and then you just cannot contain it and it all comes out at once. I'm there.


Well-known member
Yeah, I do admit to breaking/smashing things up once in a while. I've broken a couple of doors, windows, pictures. I haven't done it in several months though, and I think my medication is really helping in that regard.


Well-known member
I break things all the time when I get angry/anxious, then I have to lie to cover up whatever I broke. I have punched in the air conditioning vent in our car (hard to explain that one away), many dents/holes in wall/doors, etc. Medication has largely stopped this behavior though...my psych also suggested fish oil for aggression (though I don't ever feel like hitting other people, I guess it's sort of passive aggressive behavior), I have been taking it for two weeks....though I am pretty sure that it is the xanax that is doing the trick :)
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Well-known member
I came so close to smashing up my all-in-one printer this week, after having a particularly low couple of days in terms of mood.