ever feel like smashing your house up?


Well-known member
I drank a bottle of Jagermeister on Monday. Urrghhhh! Never again!

I do get urges to smash things up from frustration. I usually grab an axe and cut up some logs....And doors...''HERE'S JOHNNY!'':D


Well-known member
It feels so good to break a plate against the wall! I've had to replace a few. I listen to stand up when I get this down. Find Jim Gaffigan on youtube,you will feel better.


Well-known member
I broke one door once,but what I find good is to jump rope when I feel the urge to smash something,also if you can, buy a punching bag(obvious) it really helps!

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
for me its screaming. To get rid of the feeling, I run as fast and as long as I can till im past exhaustion and then I stop abruptly and lay down. There is a sort of bizzarre effect from stopping quick that exaggerates the flushed feeling. It feels worlds better to feel and hear my heart pounding and literally feel the blood pulsing through your veins. It beats the thoughts and feelings out of your head. You cant hear them over your heart. I've been told its actually bad to stop fast, so I probably shouldnt be recommending it but surely it couldnt hurt that much. I'm so sorry your going through it dreamer. Is'nt strange how physical the pain feels? It feels like suffocation for me or implosion. Everyone's different though, I guess.


Well-known member
I can relate; one time I almost ripped the head off of one of my dolls, and in another instance I smashed my sisters room up


Well-known member
I drank a bottle of Jagermeister on Monday. Urrghhhh! Never again!

I do get urges to smash things up from frustration. I usually grab an axe and cut up some logs....And doors...''HERE'S JOHNNY!'':D

heres johnny :eek: wasnt that film about a madman hmmm good film , dont mess with you eh lol ::p:


Well-known member
When I get angry like that, I throw ice cubes into an empty bathtub. It feels SO GOOD and POWERFUL when the ice cubes crash and go everywhere.


When I get angry like that, I throw ice cubes into an empty bathtub. It feels SO GOOD and POWERFUL when the ice cubes crash and go everywhere.

i do that aswell, especially when one of the ice cubes escapes, slides across the table and lands on the floor. i then throw it in the sink and shout at it!!
"you c**t that you are"
shouting at ice cubes is a step down i think!
but i dont care!! :D


i've punched my lcd monitor a few times... it's quite sturdy =)
punch the walls every so often too - broken my hand a few times


Well-known member
Yes, I also feel like hitting the monitor sometimes. I did it more often and harder with the non flat screen haha. This one would probably break if I did it properly. And yeah smashing the house would be fun and would let a lot out, but I would not like the consequences haha.
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