Ever been told you look stoned?

Right- I've never done a drug in my life but people are constantly coming up to me sayin' "Are you off your face?" and never believe me when I say i've never done drugs. One guy's even convinced I once did acid!!

Does anyone else get told they look stoned for inexplainable reasons?

I'm askin this because i dont know if nervous symptoms would cause me to look stoned or if it's just the way i look!


Well-known member
It maybe not be to do with how you look but maybe they have noticed your anxiety and they wonder what may have trigged it and assumed you're a druggy. I have never been asked that but people have asked is there something wrong? Or why are you so anxious all the time? My driving instructor said to me once, I am nervous by nature which is a much nicer thing to say then assume I am on drugs.
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Well-known member
haha no but one time in high school I was really tired and was laying my head down on my desk and my teacher came up to me and asked me "are you all right, are you high" I laughed which probably made it worse and said "no, I'm just tired" she said "okay" and then came back to me 10 minutes later and pulled me out of class and demanded I tell her what drugs I was doing. I was like none and she kept going on and on, I was like I'm fine, I'm jsut tired.....anyways I know that was random but I just remembered that


Well-known member
In school people often accused me of being a stoner because i got sleepy in classes but reason why was because i was into cycling as a sport and the training got me really tired. People are quick to assume things by what they see. I also have been jokingly told that i must be on drugs because of my often quirky personality.
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Could be the same with me recluse...
The quirky part- not the excercise part!! :p

206Raider that is priceless!! xD

And Kat you've a good point. Probably my shifty eyes or somethin...
Everybody must get stoned

Ha haa, like everyday. I usually don't care that much except when I was walking at like 2 am the police people ask me if I was drunk like a total of 5 times. I think it's usually because my hands are really shaky and because my eyes don't normally contract to light so my pupils are always going to be bigger than everyone elses. It's mostly because of the eyes. I've had people stick flashlights in front of my eyes before... gah.
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Recently I have had people ask me if I am sure I don't take any drugs before after I've told them no - I haven't smoked, drank, or injected anything in my life, not even alcohol or cigarettes! It must be my eyes as I don't always get the sleep I need.


Active member
All the time. My eyes are always kind of umm... heavy looking? Plus they have dark circles under them because of lack of sleep/allergies.


Super Moderator
Yeah... I dress weird, I am quiet, I am nervous around people, I draw weird stuff, I like rock music, I am sleepy during the day, I have a blank/serious expression instead of laughing out loud at everything for no reason, therefore I MUST be into drugs. Having this black-ish color under my eyes from lack of sleep and being pale like a vampire doesn't help either. I also have got a few "concerned" people asking me if i'm dying or I have a bad illness, I must look worser than I thought, lol.


I've been asked if smoke weed or such. Just cause the ghetto asains at my school at the time, all they do is smoke weed... I've even been offered a cigarette*or was it weed?* before. Seriously, do i look like i smoke? I probably just look bad-ass. :\
When I was in high school, I was in ROTC and on the drill team where we'd have practice in the mornings (like 6:00). I walked to school and it took an hour to get there, so I was getting up at 4:00 in the morning when I had gone to bed at like 1:00 in the morning. Because I was so tired and was always hungry because I never ate breakfast, by the end of the first month of drill team, my nickname was Stoner, lol. It got so bad that even my instructor called me Stoner on a regular basis, and as I got older and moved upward in the corps, a lot of the younger cadets actually thought my last name WAS Stoner, because that's what everyone called me!