Driving test-how many times til you passed?


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Question for drivers....how many times did you have to take your driving test til you passed?

I've just come from my 2nd test and failed again! :( :( :(

I don't feel quite as bummed as I did the first time, but still it's so demoralising. I've been driving for a year now and I feel perfectly confident when driving with friends, but the test I just get so nervous and it takes such an effort to pump myself up and think positive etc. I just find it SO difficult to pass this test, it was probably the 2nd most eventful 40 minutes of driving I've ever done [the 1st being on my 1st driving test!]. I swear the instructors know instinctively the routes where dustbin men and lorries will pull out on you and all kinds of tricky situations present themselves.

argh, I tried so bloody hard! :(....my major this time was stalling on a roundabout! It was on a hill, I was in second gear, I don't really know what happened, ....BUGGER!!!

never mind, I'll try again! :).....

did anybody else get test nerves or find the test difficult? How did you deal with it?


Well-known member
Don't feel so bad. I failed my road test twice. I finally got it the third time. Just take a few deep breaths and concentrate on what your doing. My hands were shaking a little but I don't think the instructor noticed.

Problem is people always think a nervous person is trying to hide something. That's why I dread being pulled over by the police. If my hand shakes or I stumble getting my license they assume the worst. Best of luck on the next try.


Well-known member
I failed my first driving test and managed to pass the second. Theory I passed first time thankfully. I was really nervous before both tests but the second was the worst. The first one I was able to lose the nerves when I had been going for a minute or so, but the second test I was on edge throughout. Mainly because I thought I'd failed again because of the emergency stop. He asked me to stop when I was changing gear. It is best to try not to dwell on the mistakes you think you've made during the test.

First time I got the impression the examiner was in a bad mood because the other examiner's driver hadn't turned up so he had to start working earlier. The second time he was a lot happier. I thought I drove a lot better in the first test.
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I also thought I drove better in my first test, except I made one major cockup by not noticing a lollopop man step out on the road. I was more nervous the second time, but fortunately I made no major mistake and passed. That was 15 years ago and I've never owned a car since.


Well-known member
It's ok Worrywort, you know what they say ''Third time lucky'' well i believe you'll pass next time.

I passed my practical on the second attempt. My problem is my nerves get the better of me and i loose all composure. I'm trying to pass to be a driving instructor but i've failed the practical test once (extended version of normal test) and i've two more chances.


Well-known member
I waited until I was 18 to get my license. I was extremely nervous and just the thought of having to drive with someone from the DMV was terrifying to me. Everyone I knew told me as long as I didn't get the red-headed lady, I would be ok. One day I finally decided to just go for it. I walk in and who do I get... the red-headed lady. I don't know how, but I managed to pass on my first try. I had to do one of those 3-point turns, and I don't think I did it correctly, but I guess it was good enough for her to pass me. Don't worry about taking more than once to pass. I think a lot of the time it just depends on who you get and how picky they are and at least you know what to expect now. Just keep giving it your best try and you WILL pass.


Well-known member
I passed on my second attempt, however my second manouvre was bay parking and it was going so badly i was shaking my head at my instructor because i honestly thought i was going to fail, but I passed. Im sure the man just felt sorry for me, Im a bad driver, but not dangerous! :D On my first attempt i was so nervous and the man had to stop the car for me otherwise there would have been a serious crash! Opps. Most people dont pass on their first attempt, well thats what i found any way. People only told me it took them more than once after i failed my first time. Good Luck for your next one!


Well-known member
It took me only one shot at passing my driving test, written test as well. Some people like myself just "test" well... Others get so rattled that they can't even fill in their name correctly. So think nothing of it... Third times the charm! Just visualize your tester wearing ridiculous looking underwear, something that makes you laugh, and then take the test.... Good luck on your next try!


i passed first time BUT only cause i turned left instead of right at the first junction, so the pressure was off, i thought i was bound to fail after that!

i dont drive anymore though and im pretty scared sitting in the passenger seat of any vehicle.
its easy for me to say "just relax" but i think that is what to do. my mum is in her 50s now and its taken this long for her to find out how to wind the window down!
youve got plenty of time.


Well-known member
Don't think about it. A lot depends on the examiner you get, and also sometimes they fail you just to keep their average pass rate correct - if an examiner passes an unusually high amount of people, they get someone above them in the food chain sit in and examine THEM as they work (atleast this is what I read somewhere.) A lot of people deny this, but it comes from the mouth of an ex-examiner, so I dunno...

I managed to pass first time with one minor (inapropriate speed), but for some reason I can't explain I get really relaxed as soon as a sit in a car lol. I was literally dizzy with anxiety while I was waiting to be picked up by my instructor that morning though.

The cool thing for me was, my sister took her test about a week after me and she had the same examiner... he asked her if she was related to me and then said "Let's see if you're as good as driver as your brother then..." It was probably a bit offputting for her lol, but it made me feel good when I heard about it :p


Active member
i failed my first time cause i got too nervous and made a bunch of stupid mistakes and i'll be going for my second attempt later this month.....i don't even like driving, my parents are pressuring me into getting my license


Well-known member
never mind, I'll try again! :).....

did anybody else get test nerves or find the test difficult? How did you deal with it?

u were just unlucky ,keep giving the tests:)

I swear the instructors know instinctively the routes where dustbin men and lorries will pull out on you and all kinds of tricky situations present themselves.

that is soo true!!!

i must say that i passed the 1st time because

1.i was VERY lucky(i made 2 mistakes but i blamed him for the one because of his low-voice instructions and the other was too small to fail me)

2.i was in the army and instructors are less strict when it comes to that


Well-known member
thanks for the advice everyone...I think I'll be alright next time, I'll just have to give it my best shot.

.....i don't even like driving, my parents are pressuring me into getting my license

yea I'm not sure I even like driving either, and I hate all the pressure people give me about it all the time...."you STILL haven't learnt to drive yet?!?" etc....I wonder whether I'm subconsciously sabotaging it on purpose? [or maybe I'm just making excuses now! ;)]


Well-known member
just thought I'd let you know!!! ;)
third time lucky! aaahhh, it's SUCH a relief! Its been nagging at the back of my mind for about a year now, but finally, it's over! I'm so chuffed! Thanks for all the tips everyone! they really did help.

Its funny, but I feel like this driving test is just as much a test of nerve as it is a test of your driving skills. The driving part was pretty easy today all in all. It was keeping my emotions under control that was the real battle!

anyway, I've done it now so I can breathe finally!
I'm a very happy bunny :)


Well-known member
I passed the first time when I was 16, but I took one of those defensive driving classes the HS was offering and that made it easier. We went over everything. Drove around city until we got everything right. Once we passed the class we could just get the license. No tests at the DMV.