Does anyone else sound stupid when they talk?


Well-known member
I know this is a weird thread but does anyone else here sound like a complete retard when they open there mouth or don't have enough energy to say things properly.. it sounds so right in your head and then next thing you know the words come out wrong and your breath comes short or unless you are saying it fine, it's just all in your head, and everyone around you doesn't notice a F.U.C.K.I.N.G thing but you just feel honestly retarded for even saying anything at all and you don't want to speak ever again.
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Well-known member
Yes tell me about it.I have a pretty deep voice so I picture it in my head flowing out like barry white but then I open my mouth and my voice goes like 20 octaves higher because im nervous when I talk to anybody. I also tend to slur my speech and mess up when im talking, my mind goes faster than my mouth can move and I get tripped up and stutter.


Well-known member
I'm sure I sound like a moron about 95% of the time. My voice is usually pretty soft to begin with, so when I talk, people usually ask me "What?" a thousand times. And then they look at me weird when I'm having trouble speaking or I start to stutter. >.> My pitch tends to change when I'm nervous too. Like, sometimes I'll have a soft, light voice. Other times my voice comes out a little deeper. It's weird.


Well-known member
yes, definately. a lot of times when i talk my voice comes out all weird and low and monotone and emotionless and it just sounds like im a dumbass who has no idea what she's talking about or trying to say. and other times it comes out really quiet and soft and high and just makes me seem scared or gullable.

and also i HATE the sound of my voice. especially when i hear a recording of it played back. ughh...


Well-known member
I'm sure I sound like a moron about 95% of the time. My voice is usually pretty soft to begin with, so when I talk, people usually ask me "What?" a thousand times. And then they look at me weird when I'm having trouble speaking or I start to stutter. >.> My pitch tends to change when I'm nervous too. Like, sometimes I'll have a soft, light voice. Other times my voice comes out a little deeper. It's weird.

^ THIS. Totally me. I stutter and jumble up my sentences a lot, I either talk too low or too loud (mostly happens in silent places for some reason), and my voice changes in pitch when I'm nervous. Actually it's the opposite with me when it comes to my pitch. I naturally have sort of a deep and husky voice and sometimes when I'm nervous it'll sound a little more softer and "girlier". It's so weird and frustrating.
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Active member
I have a tendency to studder when I get nervous or I cant make up my mind which isnt very often but I do have a hard time making people understand what I'm trying to say.


Well-known member
my main problem is and i dont know why this happens...but when i am in a conversation with someone(usually one on one) my mouth becomes dry as a bone...and it makes me sound like a retard when i talk...i HATE IT ....every time i am at a therapist appointment it happens...its so embarrassing.


Well-known member
I'm sure I sound like a moron about 95% of the time. My voice is usually pretty soft to begin with, so when I talk, people usually ask me "What?" a thousand times. And then they look at me weird when I'm having trouble speaking or I start to stutter. >.> My pitch tends to change when I'm nervous too. Like, sometimes I'll have a soft, light voice. Other times my voice comes out a little deeper. It's weird.

It happens to me too,everytime I try to talk I end up being frustrated.


Well-known member
I don't think it't the way it talk, but my voice. I don't know what it is, but I don't think I sound right. a guy actually said to be once; "you have a very distinctive voice, don't you?"
it made me really self concious, and I don't speak so much anymore.


Well-known member
I do understand what you mean, and I can procrastinate on it for hours and hours long. It feels like no one cares which makes you feel horrible cos it's like you feel weird and even more apart from others.
I think it's all got to do with your thinking. Am i right in saying that what you think is you're not good/funny/clever enough to talk to people? like you aren't good enough in their eyes? I'm not very good at giving advice but I think it comes down to negative thinking, just know that they are not judging you. It's such a re-used phrase but so true; the people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter. I think you feel this way because you don't have enough confidence in yourself though you probably already know this.
All i can say is when you start to think negatively and beat yourself silently in your head because of this or any situation, immediately try to avert your mind to something else. Just dismiss what happened as chances are they aren't even thinking about how you spoke. :)
Keep your head up and attend closely on the topic of convo and not on yourself. Because you are good enough to be there.


Well-known member
I also tend to slur my speech and mess up when im talking, my mind goes faster than my mouth can move and I get tripped up and stutter.

This is exactly what happens to me too. Not to mention that i talk pretty loud, so people will hear even better when i mess up a word/stutter. I HATE messing up words and having to repeat them, makes me feel like an idiot.


Well-known member
I enunciate too well...people make fun of me for it all the time bc i'm such a perfectionist when i'm speaking. I can't help it:( I tend to mumble unless I am focusing on prounouncing each word correctly and clearly...
I'm sure I sound like a moron about 95% of the time. My voice is usually pretty soft to begin with, so when I talk, people usually ask me "What?" a thousand times. And then they look at me weird when I'm having trouble speaking or I start to stutter. >.> My pitch tends to change when I'm nervous too. Like, sometimes I'll have a soft, light voice. Other times my voice comes out a little deeper. It's weird.

I'm one of the annoying 'what ppl' I would like to apologise on behalf of all 'what people' It is a case of living in a house where the T.V./X Box is constantly blaring. I can no longer hear normal volume. I am always so embarrassed that I have to ask ppl to repeat themselves a million times. Sometimes I just pretend I heard after they've repeated themselves a lot of times, this often backfires as it was a question awaiting a response and I just nod and smile and get caught out this way.

It's a real problem, I assure you, it's not that you speak too quietly or too softly it's just that my ears now block out all volume . Often I'm sitting in my computer room and I can very easily follow the plot of a film the lads are watching down the hall. It is ridiculous. Also the general mode of communicating in my house is shouting. Everything gets roared. Conversations generally take place with everybody in different rooms and go like this:
housemate: 'WHAT?'

So on behalf of the 'what people' sorry :)


Well-known member
I'm quite stupid but I sound even more stupid than I should :p

I speak very softly and I don't even pay attention to what I'm saying, so it's not strange that people barely understand me XD


Well-known member
I sound weird no matter who I talk to and whether comfortable or not... I seem to always have a sore throat so I am always clearing my throat, I stutter so much and I muddle my words. This never used to happen to me. ¬_¬


Well-known member
Yes, i either murmur so no one notices that i even said anything and if they do notice they dont understand what i said because i just cant get my words out right. Or i might be saying something but then i just trail off into a murmur and dont finish what i was saying. Or my voice sounds like a cartoon. Or i cant think of how to put something so what i say just doesnt make sense at all.


Well-known member
Here's how 90% of the conversations between myself and my mother go... *ahem*
mom: Do you know what you want to eat for dinner?
me: I was thinking I'd try making some gnocchi with the leftover pesto from the other night, so I should probably-
mom: Some what?
me: Ah... some... pasta...stuff...
mom: Pesto? What? We had bowtie pesto the night before last...
me: No-- a different kind of-
mom: What?
me: Some chicken...
mom: eh?
me: Chicken in a tophat.
mom: ...
me: You're deaf.
mom: I'm not deaf!
me: Well, you smell like indian food wrapped in a fig leaf.
mom: What?
me: I'm going to cook a whole pig for dinner and you're going to eat ALL of it!
mom: We don't have a whole pig...
me: I'll go out and hunt one down. A wild boar! I shall carve a set of knives from it's tusks. Boar tusk knives! I shall call them Boartknives and I'll sell them on the shopping channel for 6 installments of $5.55.
mom: So, what are we going to have for supper? Do you want to order pizza?
me: I don't care anymore. You suck.
mom: I'm going to order a pizza.
/end scene. True story.


Well-known member
I do understand what you mean, and I can procrastinate on it for hours and hours long. It feels like no one cares which makes you feel horrible cos it's like you feel weird and even more apart from others.
I think it's all got to do with your thinking. Am i right in saying that what you think is you're not good/funny/clever enough to talk to people? like you aren't good enough in their eyes? I'm not very good at giving advice but I think it comes down to negative thinking, just know that they are not judging you. It's such a re-used phrase but so true; the people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter. I think you feel this way because you don't have enough confidence in yourself though you probably already know this.
All i can say is when you start to think negatively and beat yourself silently in your head because of this or any situation, immediately try to avert your mind to something else. Just dismiss what happened as chances are they aren't even thinking about how you spoke. :)
Keep your head up and attend closely on the topic of convo and not on yourself. Because you are good enough to be there.

Yeah that's exactly it, it's like I go into deep thought about the most Negative stuff, it's like I'm not even there, cause I'm in my own little world of hell lol and then when i do come back to reality, I missed what people were saying and not just that I've beaten myself up so much that my confidence level is zero and I get nervous and sound like a retard.. Honestly I would rather be alone.. if I didn't have to talk again I wouldn't. Now it is different when I'm talking to someone I'm comfortable with like my mom, and friend but that's really about it. Thanks I really appreciate your words of confidence. >.<
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Well-known member
Here's how 90% of the conversations between myself and my mother go... *ahem*
mom: Do you know what you want to eat for dinner?
me: I was thinking I'd try making some gnocchi with the leftover pesto from the other night, so I should probably-
mom: Some what?
me: Ah... some... pasta...stuff...
mom: Pesto? What? We had bowtie pesto the night before last...
me: No-- a different kind of-
mom: What?
me: Some chicken...
mom: eh?
me: Chicken in a tophat.
mom: ...
me: You're deaf.
mom: I'm not deaf!
me: Well, you smell like indian food wrapped in a fig leaf.
mom: What?
me: I'm going to cook a whole pig for dinner and you're going to eat ALL of it!
mom: We don't have a whole pig...
me: I'll go out and hunt one down. A wild boar! I shall carve a set of knives from it's tusks. Boar tusk knives! I shall call them Boartknives and I'll sell them on the shopping channel for 6 installments of $5.55.
mom: So, what are we going to have for supper? Do you want to order pizza?
me: I don't care anymore. You suck.
mom: I'm going to order a pizza.
/end scene. True story.

LOL You and your mom have a interesting relationship. >.<
With my family it's what I make and if they don't like it well they are going hungry.