Yep, my voice always seemed to be an issue. Sometimes I just wanna yell at them and say "Are you deaf!!" Because they don't seem to understand me even if I tried to speak louder. I think my normal voice is just so thin. I can't explain it. Even if I speak loud, it still sound soft. Even the karaoke machine couldn't recognize it. Example... After every song, the machine detects the singer's voice and rates it. So first my sister sang and she got 90. My mom sang and she got like 87. And when it was my turn the machine didn't even detect that somebody was singing, it just skipped to the next song. The heck! I was using a microphone and my family said they can hear me well. So I thought it was just a glitch so they sang and then when it was my turn, it happened again. It's just so weird... they describe my voice like a "wind" or something. Try to imagine. LOL!
Another time, I tried to blend in a group discussion with my classmates and they didn't even hear me. I said it louder, they didn't hear me still. I tried to speak louder than my louder voice but still they didn't notice me. So at the end they said "how about you, don't you have any suggestion?" And I was like "I've been telling you a lot of times but you didn't notice me!!!" I wanna punch their ears.
And yep, I'm often anxious when telling a story. Because when I speak in my normal phase, they seem to get bored and change the topic. So I try to speak faster than my brain could handle lol. and that makes me mumble words or get pretty disorganized, so they couldn't understand me still.
And the pitch of my voice goes different depending on the situation. Sometimes it tooooo loooooow. Sometimes it gets high and lively.
I hate hearing my voice in the recorder.
The only compensation is, people say that I sound so pretty in the phone.... and I've got a talent to make my voice seductive. That's the only way people appreciate my voice (on the phone). lol.