Does anyone else not care about sex?


Well-known member
You're not strange but not everyone is obsessed with sex on here. I think you're taking the anxiety of it never happening to them as them focusing on it too much. Of course it'll be an issue for some people, other people don't care as much and some don't care about it at all. Depending on the person. I use to wonder about it but now I could really care less. When I find the right person I'll think about it more but for right now it's not a priority when other things need fixing first.
I'll feel alot better without the desire thats for sure. What with far more important things to think about for the time being.

What don't help is how sex is praised in society, hell you can't look anywhere without seeing some kind of lame advertisement, or hear most conversations without some childish innuendo and/or gossip. It just entices excitement, wherever the observer consciously thinks about it or not.

I hate when sex-related stuff comes on tv if i'm seeing someone and he's sitting next to me. I feel like societys pressurising me to have sex. And I'm terrified of it. Its more fun dating innocently for a while enjoying each others company before doing that. You dont want to ruin things. In my opinion, as irrational as it may be - sex on the first date is like proposing just after sex for the first time, if that makes any sense.

Its overrated and if you ever feel pressured to sleep with someone in any way, don't! I've left a guy because of this, and cut off contact with another!


Super Moderator
I don't care about it at all, in fact, I'd be terrified of it. The only thing I wish is to be special, important to someone, respected, loved... That's all I want.


Well-known member
I used to think about it a lot, but now I don't really worry. I know the right person will come along and I'm young as hell. Now, if I'm 30 I would worry....hell maybe even 25 but I'm not worried today


Well-known member
I used to think about it a lot, but now I don't really worry. I know the right person will come along and I'm young as hell. Now, if I'm 30 I would worry....hell maybe even 25 but I'm not worried today

He already knows who he's gonna give it up to, that's why he's not worried lol.


Well-known member
When i was a kid, i watched porn once of a woman having a 3 way and it hit me... & Im horny since then but i got decency and wouldnt want to go with hookers or random girls and wouldnt want to trick someone into it..
As a matter of fact i never got laid cuz where i live its quite difficult as many people in my society are conservative.. And girls are picky about it.. But no big deal, sex is something great but its not everything in life..

It depends from person to person, some are sex addicts others just dont emphasize it that much.. I depends on many factors.. Dont do something u dont feel safe about or ready for...


Well-known member
I'm the same as the OP.
Mental illness prevented any desires that would've begun in adolescence, for me. It's sort of strange - even annoying - seeing sex/romance in almost all media. Like everyone's obsessed with something that just doesn't catch you.