Does anyone else do this?


I often find myself escalating into a weird state where I find it very difficult to get off the computer. I go from one website to another in hopes that something there will give me something I need, although I'm not quite sure what that is. It can go on for two hours or more, but by that time I am utterly despondent and I feel like nothing can ever give me whatever that thing I needed was. Perhaps it's just social contact.


Well-known member
Many years back, I remember spending hours online exploring wiccan websites. I visited websites about fairies and supernatural stuff. Later, my focus turned to New Age and I started surfing many New Age websites. Afterwards, I tried to find answers in Christianity and Buddhism. What I realized is that I was trying to find fulfillment in spirituality, hoping that religion can offer me answers to questions such as "what is the meaning of life?" and "what is the purpose for my existence?" But no matter how many websites I visited, I was never completely satisfied.
yep. surf the net in circles. better than tv.

Absolutely better than TV. I can't remember the last time I purposely sat down and flipped through the channels on TV, looking for something to watch. It's probably been at least a year.


Well-known member
Absolutely better than TV. I can't remember the last time I purposely sat down and flipped through the channels on TV, looking for something to watch. It's probably been at least a year.

heck yeah + the advent of netflix


Well-known member
I end up researching things unintentionally, usually nutrition/supplement related. I'm an encyclopedia on all kinds of random sh*t, due to many hours of aimless meandering online.

I don't watch stuff on tv, to many adds. Rather stream. Haven't had cable in like 15 years.


Well-known member
I tend to surf the internet for random stuff all the time and websites like Wikipedia, Youtube, and Deviant Art keep me up at night on weekends.


Well-known member
All the time. Last night I was up until 6:30 am, browsing the internet and talking to Hendrix here on SPW.

It's all too easy to get caught up online but at least you usually end up either learning something or having a lot more fun than watching tv.
Yes. When I feel this way, I have to try really hard to get away from the computer for an extended break. Then the novelty returns and I go back.
welcome to my second life. Virtual world!

Since the computer is there, we live in a whole different universe ::eek::

But it's nice ,elsewise i would have never met these nice people on here :)

but i know exactly what you mean, in the past i used to MSN like all day, until mid night, but that addiction is gone ^_^ but social phobia and gmail and youtube are still an addiction, can't stop checkin, whoohoo::(: and my smartphone is even more tempting to so!!!!::p:


Well-known member
Yeah I do this.

The internet works like a drug. It fills in a void. Everything you want to know about, discuss, or see seems to be a click away.

I personally believe it's detrimental to our lives (especially if you're isolated, jobless, aimless). The constant stimulus we receive from computers will decrease our motivation to get out and work on our life/goals. It's a form of instant gratification.

The internet itself isn't a bad thing, but we must be careful that we are disciplined in our usage. Make sure that you use the internet when you really need it for something, or that you make it a "pass-time" thing instead of a daily activity.

I still do it, but I'm more aware of its effects now.
Yeah I do this.

The internet works like a drug.

I just got a very nice question , what would happen if:

You can't use the computer for a month ? how would a rehab be ? haha :D

and how about, if the internet would shut down in whole earth ?

how would you guys react

hopefully it won't happen, but just funny question