Do you worry about what your going to miss out on?


Well-known member
I dont mean because of your anxiety, or anything in your life time; but in 1000's of years to come when the world will have developed without you?

My tutor bought up a subject today and its made me feel mixed up. He was talking about victorian times and if we were now living in those days could we ever imagine how the world today '2011' would have developed back then.
Think forward in another 500 years (I know we wont be around then); do you ever wonder whats going to happen to the world, will anything be similar to what it is now or will every thing change? What new species will be here, what creatures will be extinct, do you think scientists will have discovered how to make people immortal, possibly bring people back to life?

Another thing I was looking at lunch time was the little clock in the bottom right of the screen, when you double click it you can make the date go up to 2099, I searched what day my birthday would be on, Wednesday and I realize I wont be here to celebrate it
Does it bother you on what you will miss out on in the future?


Well-known member
Hmmm nah... not really, actually im worried about what im going to have to go through to survive in this life.


Well-known member
Life is best lead one step at a time what the future holds is in our hearts and our ability.


Well-known member
...My tutor bought up a subject today and its made me feel mixed up. He was talking about victorian times and if we were now living in those days could we ever imagine how the world today '2011' would have developed back then....

even in 1991 - 20 years ago - i would never have predicted i would be sitting here on a laptop, chatting over wireless internet with people all over the world

this is a good reminder for anyone who thinks they have a clue as to what the future will be like


Active member
It does bother me yeah. I'm someone who thinks further,in the future.
I think about how my family would go on,and if there'll be anyone alive with my last name, i think about what new things they'll discover,like creatures indeed,but also technology and how far people could travel in the universe, if there'll be new planets like Earth discovered and such.
It bothers me to know that one day, there will be NOTHING for me.


Well-known member
Tbh I'm happy how stuff is now. I can use the internet to meet women, chat to other SAers, find work - I can sort my social life out without even having to get off my backside.

The internet is the big thing. Before that, I can imagine my life would have been horribly lonely. Apart from my two mates back home, I have no means to meet any new people offline.

If I was born say... 20 years earlier it would have sucked. No internet dating, no forums, no nothing... Life for an social phobic person must have been a much, much lonelier one.

Only technological advancement I want to see now, is a proper cure for male pattern baldness. Why is this taking so long? :mad:

I guess for me, today *is* the future. iPhones, the internet, social networking... I remember my teenage years and today is like a science fiction movie! What a time to be alive :)


Well-known member
...If I was born say... 20 years earlier it would have sucked. No internet dating, no forums, no nothing... Life for an social phobic person must have been a much, much lonelier one...

as someone who reached adulthood in 1982 i can tell you that, in many ways, it was better for me

i had no other choice but to interact with people out there - in real life


Well-known member
as an engineering student i like to think about the future. i love thinking about what new technology we will have. i wonder how social networking will evolve, how cities will grow and change, how travel will change.
so in about 20 years when i invent the flying car maybe ill be able to enjoy a small part of it.


Well-known member
as someone who reached adulthood in 1982 i can tell you that, in many ways, it was better for me

i had no other choice but to interact with people out there - in real life

Well - I spent up until the age of 25 trying to meet people IRL. I played guitar in a band, I forced myself to go to clubs - all to no avail really. I'd play my guitar then leave straight away without speaking to anybody but the band. I'd got to clubs, whenever women spoke to me I'd panic and go hide in the toilets.

25-29 was bad depression and isolation. It was internet forums that 'saved' me.

I met my first girlfriend last year on internet dating after many years of failing to meet one irl, despite my best efforts in my early 20s. We split up earlier this year, but I couldn't have met a woman any other way due to SA. Tonight I'm calling another internet date and she's already talking about us meeting up :D

If it wasn't for the internet I'd be a virgin, and I dread to think where I'd be without the support of people on SA/MH forums when I was suicidal/having a breakdown towards the start of 2010.

Since I first started talking online to other SAers in 2009, I pulled myself out of a bad depression, recovered from a nervous breakdown, and now I find myself talking to women, getting work, and enjoying having an unselfconcious online persona :)

The internet can help with IRL interactions it doesn't have to replace them completely :)


Well-known member
Not really...
I'm pretty sure that in 1000 years humans won't exist because we've treated out planet so terribly, even though we depend on it for everything.
And without human beings, there won't be anymore technology--- unless aliens take over, then yes. science.

I don't really worry about things to come so far in the future. It's better to take things in as they come. I already have enough to panic about-- don't need more.


Well-known member
Well - I spent up until the age of 25 trying to meet people IRL. I played guitar in a band, I forced myself to go to clubs - all to no avail really. I'd play my guitar then leave straight away without speaking to anybody but the band. I'd got to clubs, whenever women spoke to me I'd panic and go hide in the toilets.

25-29 was bad depression and isolation. It was internet forums that 'saved' me.

I met my first girlfriend last year on internet dating after many years of failing to meet one irl, despite my best efforts in my early 20s. We split up earlier this year, but I couldn't have met a woman any other way due to SA. Tonight I'm calling another internet date and she's already talking about us meeting up :D

If it wasn't for the internet I'd be a virgin, and I dread to think where I'd be without the support of people on SA/MH forums when I was suicidal/having a breakdown towards the start of 2010.

Since I first started talking online to other SAers in 2009, I pulled myself out of a bad depression, recovered from a nervous breakdown, and now I find myself talking to women, getting work, and enjoying having an unselfconcious online persona :)

The internet can help with IRL interactions it doesn't have to replace them completely :)

that's awesome!

see, everyone, there is hope

I wouldn't say I worry about it, but I wonder about it. It does bother me that certain questions in physics and the like very well might not be answered in my lifetime, and I would very much like to see how far we'll have progressed technologically in 1000 years, but it's not really something I worry about.


Well-known member
Thanks Coyote :)

Kind of you to say. But, I don't want to make it sound like its easy though. I've just used the internet to live a relatively normal life alongside my SA, rather than 'cure' it completely. I'm much less phobic now however.

Safe to say, that if you use the technology we have today you can maybe find a way to side-step some basic IRL social phobia problems (finding potential partners, finding friends to meet up with, etc) that might have been much harder before the internet.

The mind boggles when you think what might happen in the next few decades! The world has almost changed completely in this last one :)


Well-known member
Its scary how unimportant we are in the universe
and depressing to know that the world wont stop turning when your no longer a part of it
Whats the point of trying so hard to better yourself when in the end it will all be gone anyway?


Well-known member
...Whats the point of trying so hard to better yourself when in the end it will all be gone anyway?

in order to make the most of the time that you do have

be the best person you can - you only have one shot at it

there aren't any do-overs

that means your problems aren't going to matter either

might as well live life to the fullest, right?


Well-known member
^ I understand to 'be the best you can be' but who will remember us for what we did in years to come? No average person rarely goes down in history unless your world wide famous or made things happen.
Who is it we're trying to impress?
Is trying to be someone professional, spending most of your time studying living life to the fullest?


not actually Fiona Apple
Well, if the world ends in 2012 we won't miss anything! ::p:

No but really, what bothers me is that they have probably invented time travel in the future and haven't came back to the present to bring me to the future yet Apparently, I'm not worth the trip. :mad:

But no, really really I think back to what the world was like 50 years ago, and how radically different it was than it is now, and wonder what it will be like 50 years from now. It'll be so different than it is now and I'm anxious to see what it will be like. That's all I am though, curious. I don't worry about missing out on the world in 1000 years, but am curious to what it's like. Unless they come back with that time machine I'll never know, and I'm okay with that.