I've been over and over this, for many years, and frankly i'm a bit sick of all the analyzing - i've done it to death on them, and for what reason?. I'm well-aware (& on most days) that they have been a very significant contributor to my present-day problems. But its not all bad - and when you keep thinking of all the negatives, it shuts-out the positives, and i'm sick of viewing them as such (negative), as its a drain on my enthusiam for life; unecessarily negative. Not trying to preach, just saying this is how it is for me now.
So how much they have affected my life is not really the issue now (or i'm trying not to let it be an issue). There's an age-gap thing (dad was early 40s, & mum about 5 years less, when i was born). They're really "old-school" - very strict, closed-minded, intolerant, angry, forbade any discussion of "feelings", absolutely hopeless with feelings ("practical" basic farmer-brown types),... So some significant parenting problems there, but is very hard to form overall conclusions, as things are a complex combination of things .. which is why negative/critical thinking about them hasn't been that helpful.
Not "GOOD" parents, but not "BAD" either, just somewhere in-between, and i think a bit below the "average", maybe "on the cr*p side" or sth like that; or "commonly dysfucntional". I think a big part of equation is ME, the CHILD. They have been VERY bad for a child like me; i needed VERY different parents than them to have evolved into an "okay" adult. Wasn't the case, so not the case. Confusing, as there's many other things in life that have affected me, in smaller ways, but some (like bullying, public ridicule) may have affected me to a degree not that much lower than parenst have affected me.
Now i am trying more to focus on what i need to do, to "fix" myself, if that's possible.