Do you tell ppl you have SA?


Active member
Sometimes when Im really pressured in a situation I just come out with it--
sometimes ppl care-- often ppl use it against me

Anyways- do you tell people? who? how? and when?


Well-known member
....ya , cause if you dont, then ppl are gonna think your just some freak/weirdo/anti-social who dosent talk ALL day...
..i guess u tell em if u dont want ppl thinking you seriously have some issues. :roll:


Active member
I don't really have anyone to tell either--
Mostly for strangers who im goign to have any sort of prolonged convo with

Sometimes when Im in a class someone will talk to me-- and i cansense that they can sense Im weird-- but Im not sure how/when/what to say--
like when do you come out and say "hey, i know you know that Im wierd and I want to tell you i have a social phobia"

DO they even knwo what that means beyond the word FREAK/DORK coming to mind?


Well-known member
elusive_x said:
I don't really have anyone to tell either--
Mostly for strangers who im goign to have any sort of prolonged convo with

Sometimes when Im in a class someone will talk to me-- and i cansense that they can sense Im weird-- but Im not sure how/when/what to say--
like when do you come out and say "hey, i know you know that Im wierd and I want to tell you i have a social phobia"

DO they even knwo what that means beyond the word FREAK/DORK coming to mind?

That's why, when I feel the need to explain myself, I usually say I have problems with being really shy (something like that) rather than using the term "Social Phobia." I've gotten blank looks when I've used that term because I don't think people really know what it is/means.


Well-known member
one of my greatest fears is revealing to others i have SP/SA. if people ask me why im so quiet or shy i just say that im a thinker and i prefer listening more than talking.


Well-known member
sometimes i tell people. maybe it is the socially retarded thing to do but whatever. sometimes people will respond with, "hey, i'm shy, too!" but i think to myself, "uh, not as severely as me."


Well-known member
I have no problem telling people, but I have decided not to tell them anymore. Most people do not understand and I get weird looks. A few weeks ago we went to visit some acquaintances with my parents and I talked to this girl. I told her that I can't cope with stress and that I'm seeking a "non-stressful" job. I also told her that I had left college because of this.

The only thing she did was stare at me in a very weird way. She is so beautiful and I just thought to myself try talking to her, maybe she is not judgmental. Well, I got the message, that's for certain! She is definitely the type of girl who would run away from people like me. Not because I'm physically repelling or anything, but because I'm "strange".


New member
I dont tell anyone, I feel like such a freak.

I'm seeing a really great guy at the moment (this is very rare for me) which basically means i lose about a stone in weight due to my anxiety vomiting. When we go out to dinner I cant even manage a bowl of lettuce let alone anything else...I'm sure he thinks I'm a anorexic or bulemic (depending on whether or not he knows i've just been sick). On other occassions he probably thinks i'm completely bored of him, for example if I've just thrown up I also become very cold/shaky and incredibly overwhelmed with exhaustion - he must think i hate him from the way i act!! I wish i could stop the tensing thing i do but i just dont know how to. :( Does anyone know? This has been going on for too long now (9 years!!) and I'm ready to talk about it.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way (i mean that in a nice way)

(Just talking about it is bringing me out in a cold sweat and dizziness!!)


Staff member
I just say I have anxiety and depression, most "normal" people have some sort of grasp of what that is


Well-known member
I play with numbers for a living, so people expect me to be socially awkward and not be adept at conversations. So I don't have to provide any further clinical description of my anxiety/phobia. It fulfills people's stereotypes so they usually don't think anything more about. Of course, then they think every aspect of my personality, my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors have to conform to these stereotypes as well.

If I ever used the phrase "social anxiety/phobia" to describe myself, I think I'd just make myself an easier target. So I never use it. I just let people believe what they believe and that's less trouble.


Well-known member
I sense that people think I'm "weird" too. I feel like it keeps me from becoming closer friends with them. It keeps me on the outside. I feel like they want to ask me questions about it or say something but they never do. I've debated many times whether or not I should tell someone. I start to think "will they care or will it just weird them out even more?" People have lots of friends and are usually busy. Why would they want to invest all this extra time and effort into someone with so many problems? :(


Active member
personally, i dont think theres a need to tell people if u have SA, just like people dont say there perverts. they just are.
also, if u went up to someone and said yeh im agressive. people r gonna pervieve your actions as agressive. if you hadnt of said anything, people wouldnt think othereise...u see where im going with this?
if u get into a relationship, then maybe say something. co-workers, people down the pub...nah u dont need to.
i admitted before i was paranoid to a few people, now when i percieve something, not paranoid, just the way i see it, people r like ur bein paranoid! im lke fuck sake! no i aint! theres good reason for me to say this! i wish i never said nothing lol.


Well-known member
Not too often. Some of the only times I did was when someone would ask, "oh, why didn't you come with us?" and I would say, "Oh, sorry, I can just be really shy when it comes to things like that..."


New member
I have never told that I have social phobia to anyone, they just know Im very shy
but I want tell somebody soon


Active member
I told a small group of friends - mostly net friends, but people I've known for a loooooooong time and whose judgement I trust. Doing it was pretty hard, but I felt that if I can't tell them, I won't be able to tell a doctor. It was also a way to put me between a rock and a hard place. Effectively I had to see a doc or disappointing everyone. At first I though of telling only my best friend (the other are more or less his friends and I just hang along), but telling just one person felt too intimate.