Do you really want to be social?

How will you change

  • a very social person who is out going parties ect

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • someone with a a small circle of friends but u have no problem talking to others

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • you will stay the same but you know you can talk to anyone at anytime about anything without problem

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • you'll just say f the world and go back to be a loner without caring for anyone

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Most of us here are pretty much alone, can't really talk to ppl or just avoid them. Now imagine there was a cure for SA, which one would u become.

If none of those apply to u, just post what you think.

I personnally would just love a small circle of friends ( closer then the one i have) I always been more reserved then most ppl
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Active member
Well my reflex answer would be yes.

But when thought about for any decent period of time im not quite sure. I think part of me would be afraid of socialization.

With socialization comes a need to open oneself up to other human beings which for some is the cause of great anxiety.

If i were to be social, i think i would still have low self esteem and insecurities which would cause a lot of anxiety and problems when forced to socialize.

I think SA is a symptom of a lot more complex deeper problems such as self image, self esteem , and confidence issues.

Simply becoming a more social person only puts a band aid on ones problems but doesn't fix the roots of the problem. I think social anxiety should not be classified as a disorder because personally all the people i have met with SA tend to suffer from these other problems.

But then again what the hell do i know, since i have no formal education on the subject, i can only speak from personal experience. I fell my SA is a symptom of much larger problems stemming from my early childhood.


Well-known member
I used to think that's what I wanted to be but now I don't really care, and I get more attention than every than trying to be forcefully social. I'm quiet, people still love me.
If I had at least 5 decent friends I'd be content with my life.

I had 3 but now I think its only down to 2, with whom i barely see.
I haven't had any friends in around 3 years. I quite like the idea of having friends, though. But - It's pretty hard to make friends - while you make everyone around you feel uncomfortable all the time (unintentionally, that is).


Well-known member
I'd stay the same. I, wouldn't say I was very social; I am ok with just having my partner,

But, I would like to be able to do the things I need to, without any problems.


Well-known member
I voted the second alternative. There's nothing I want more than a wife, children and close friends.
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Well-known member
Same, although I always feel sorry for the woman I'm with. ::eek:: I always hate the thought of her trying to explain to her friends why I have no friends. lol.

Aw, you shouldn’t!:)

As, long as we have their affections in the end that’s all that matters. ;)


Well-known member
Actually, I believe most people prefer the second choice. In general, everybody wants to be social to a degree. Humans are social creatures and completely Isolating yourself from the world is just not good for the human mind. Imagine yourself alone on an island with nobody to talk with or even talk to. We would go insane.

So in the end, everyone wants to be social. Even by being on this site and communicating we are a degree of course.


Super Moderator
I'm okay having a few close friends and going out for basic stuff, I'm not a super social person and I wouldn't like that either. I only wish I didn't have any problem talking to others and my "safe zone" wasn't so limited... I want to be able to do normal basic things like taking a damn bus or saying "hi" to someone without feeling like I'm going to panic...


I do have friends, i have 2 very close friends who i see everyday and work with but they like to party and drink ect and i dont do any of that. i use to party when i was younger but these days i just like a quite life (yes im dull) hehe


Well-known member
I would love to feel comfortable with a small group of friends. I'm not so sure I'd want to be the 'life of the party' or anything, I can't understand those types. But i'd very, very much like to be comfortable around somebody other than my family so I do want to be more social.... very badly x[


I'd like a partner and maybe like a small circle of friends and a large network of contacts.


Well-known member
A small group of friends and a significant other would be enough for me. Being too outgoing seems like it would be too much stress. Keeping relationships going requires work, and though I'm not opposed to work to keep them going, I feel that with too many friends I would be neglecting someone. I've never been good at keeping tabs on many different facets of my life and I doubt that would change with or without SA.


Well-known member
I have one friend and I'm happy with that. I've known him since I was 4 or 5. He's a great guy. I've never partied and I'm not interested in partying at all. In fact, I don't understand partying. I used to have other friends but they liked going to clubs and stuff and they wanted me to go with them to strip clubs and I didn't want to 'cause I'm not that kind of person, so eventually I got tired of being with people like that and left them. I just wanna be able to do what I gotta do and not be nervous around people. That's all I want.
I chose the 2nd option because humans need someone to talk to, and being SA free would just make it less painful.:)


Well-known member
I'd pick "small circle of friends" or "f the world" depending on how the future goes. Despite a lot of uncertainty, I can narrow it down to that.