do you need prostitution to be legal?


Well-known member
No. I don't want to resort to seeing a prostitute for sex. I want it to be with someone I care about and that cares for me.


Well-known member
First of all, laws on prostitution are easy to bypass by claiming that you sell "companionship" or "massage". Second, you can't force a woman not to sell her own body if she wants to.


There is a thing called escorts and chances are you wont get an STD...

i dont agree with prostitution they are normally very desperate women (drug takers) being taken advantage of...


Well-known member
I really can't think of any reason why prostitution should be illegal.

What a women chooses to do with her body is her own business.

It should be legalized and regulated to ensure that everyone involved is safe, healthy, and happy.


Well-known member
I'm awkward around everybody but I couldn't think of anything worse than going to a prostitute. Beside the fact that it's just gross on so many levels, for me to really express myself sexually I need to be extremely comfortable with someone and free to just explore without worrying about what my partner likes or dislikes or whether or not we are on the same wavelength. It requires a lot of trust to really let out the inner beast.


Well-known member
A guy once asked my Chilean uncle if he wanted to go out to some strip clubs in a country known for sex tourism. Right in front of his wife, too. And his response sums up my feelings perfectly.

"I don't know how any man can pay for sex and look in the mirror and call himself a man."

Of course I think people should be able to sell themselves if they want to. My self esteem just doesn't need that kind of a hit. Then again, I'm the guy who went to a strip club once and was completely ignored by every woman in there.

Yeah, that's right. I can't even pay women to be around me.



Well-known member
I couldn't resort to a prostitute. Male or female. Sex is something that should be shared with someone you at least know. But I do feel that other than in Nevada (and possibly other places?), prostitution should be legal. People are going to do it no matter what. At least if it's legalized in most areas, the hookers would be checked constantly for STDs and such. Sounds pretty safe to me. And I also feel that people should do with their bodies what they wish.