Do you miss social life?


Active member
I'm not sure.. Of course someone could say : "the fact that you've joined a forum shows clearly that you miss other people".
I think that I could stay alone whitout anyone around forever, if I were not influenced by the society to feel guilty for that. For example, somethimes I want to join my old friends just because I dont want to show the severity of my loneliness to my parents, I just want to behave as if I liked to stay with my friends.. I dont know, maybe this is the whole question.. I mean: the only thing that pushes me to be "social" is guilt..
Do you miss the others?
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Well-known member
Sometimes I do, but I've never really had that much of a social life anyway so I don't really know what I'm missing.


Well-known member
Oh I miss others a lot. But I'm very nervous around them. I join forums because I don't like being alone and they allow a way for me to "talk" to people.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
the only thing that pushes me to be "social" is guilt..
The thing is: no.

Humans are social animals. It's hard-wired into our brains. We simply cannot be healthy and happy without social and physical contact. And I have resented this fact for most of my life. I really wish I didn't have any need for other people.

Other people tend to be a pain in the ass and frequently suck greatly. I even feel this way about my few friends, even though I still love them.


New member
Hell, yeah. Get very lonely. My teenage years were especially horiffic as all the kids my age went out, whilst I'd stay in for literally years on end. When I was in my early twenties I went out frequently, but this was not much better, as I was just the outsider - the freak who didn't speak, ha, ha. Now I don't want to go out so much, but even though I have 2 really good friends, I could go for weeks without speaking to anyone. I still feel invisible.


Active member
The thing is: no.

Humans are social animals. It's hard-wired into our brains. We simply cannot be healthy and happy without social and physical contact. And I have resented this fact for most of my life. I really wish I didn't have any need for other people.

Other people tend to be a pain in the ass and frequently suck greatly. I even feel this way about my few friends, even though I still love them.

You're probably right; if so, then we SP's are such an evolutionary failure..


Well-known member
There are times when i get bored but then again doing things like 'normal' everyday people do would stress me out too much.
I remember when i was first feeling these problems and the struggle was horrible. I was worrying everyday whereas now my life is easier and i have noone to impress.

I would say i am much happier now but yeah my life is boring.


Well-known member
Well, I don't know .... I don't miss it that much, i'm actually never bored. It's especially the people around me that make me miss it.::(:


Well-known member
I had a social life when I was younger, mostly from 8-11. Those were good years & I really miss them... now I never leave the house or talk to anyone at school. /:
The annoying part of my brain that keeps telling me that I need the companionship of another, does miss that.
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Well-known member
social life? wait second i'll go google it to know what that means :D

I only had social moment, but a social life, not really

Silvox Black

Well-known member
In the end, it comes down to the society of the time. At this point in time, social interaction is encouraged, thus we feel left out. I myself will have to learn to be content with knowing my circle of intelligent, true friends and incorporate any others I am fortunate enough to meet.


Well-known member
I had a social life when I was younger, mostly from 8-11. Those were good years & I really miss them... now I never leave the house or talk to anyone at school. /:

I share this .. and then, there was the move.:mad: But I still talk at school, but I'm running out of friends.(how is it possible ??:confused: Ohyeah, because I also never leave the house)
I would like to have more of social life, but I just haven't really got the skills to talk to people. I have tried to develop them but it feels really awkward and uncomfortable. Like when you ask someone how they are, its just so fake to me, plus I hate it when people ask me. I only ever say good or alright, cause I don't think people really care when they ask, its just a formality that comes after hello. Some people ask it in passing and don't even hang around to hear the answer.


It was so long ago that i have a hard time rendering a clear picture. What little i can pick out of the fuzziness though , i would have to say: 'yeah'.