Do you miss classes because of depression?


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i have been missing 5-15 hours of lessons a week cos its too hot outside and it makes me sweat and also cause of depression.


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I missed many classes because I was feeling really down. Sometimes I stayed in bed, sometimes I just sat in my car. It was not always like that. Things get better as I find solutions to problems slowly.


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Only just noticed this undead thread. I don't miss classes anymore because I dropped out in 2003. Anxiety, depression, and confusion over which path my life should take finally forced my hand.


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I missed like one month when I was in school,I would pretend I was ill,I didnt know why,only after years I came to realise why.


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I dropped out when I was 14. Couldn't handle the sadness and the pressure, so I broke and could not move on. I've finished most of my education now, despite skipping two years of school.
I know exactly how you feel, but maybe my story will help you because you don't want to end up like me.

I started at a community college with a full scholarship and did just fine the first semester as far as going to class and keeping the scholarship goes. I was incredibly scared of people and kept to myself, and I was always afraid of being around other people in class. I eventually ended up skipping many classes and by my second semester, I lost my scholarship. I ended up developing very bad habits of drinking everyday and becoming more and more scared of being outside and around people, so I completely skipped out on classes for a few semesters. It's been several years now and I finally finished my schooling at the community college because I eventually curbed my drinking and finished what I needed over the internet. It's ridiculous though, here I am, several years later, with the same problems and same fears. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I let my depression stop me from doing what was most important, and all I've done is dig myself deeper and deeper. Don't let yourself fall into a habit of missing classes, stick with it the best you can, one day at a time. Eventually, they will at least be over and you will at least have completed something for yourself and your future.
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I was fine for the first year, in fact i enjoyed it and even made some friends, for some reason in the second year i started to avoid classes because the friends i had made sort of drifted into their own clique and it just affected my ability to concentrate in class and i felt horrible, here was my chance to make some new friends and they were drifting away and i couldn't be entertaining enough to keep them interested and then i found studying and concentrating very difficult so everyone else seemed so advanced in terms of knowledge that it became suffocating, all i needed to do was to talk to a school councellor but instead i ran from my problems and that was the biggest regret ....

at the time i was on a study benefit as well, which i was persuaded to apply for, its like a welfare study payment, so because i missed alot of attendance i may be asked to pay thousands of dollars back in debt and it could potentially be taken to a court, because there is no auditing until tax time rolls around. now at the time i intended to go back to classes and was advised to stay on the benefits anyway.

Becuase of the missed classes i could end up with a criminal record for a welfare debt...

i cant tell you how terrified i feel, it all came about because of confusion as well.

i'll deal with it, i certainly wont let it ruin me, but i expect it to be a stressful period.


Well-known member
I dropped out of hs in grade 10, suffering from depression and my own poor self -esteem issues,fears led me to a destuctive path of the "poor me syndrome" I went back to hs several times through out the years but my attempts to succeed were far lived my fear,anxiety,depression was there a second time around.Maybe if i ran for help when i was showing symthoms in elementy school i would of beat this but i was in denial i always felt rejected in my surroundings i never knew i was depressed i guess my advice is at whatever age you, or mb a friend or family member where you notice there sad,melcholy,isolated in there room.Be a friend asks them to get help! Support them be there light if you dont get help when it begins it will never end and it only gets worse i truly believe that & no from experierence:(