I know exactly how you feel, but maybe my story will help you because you don't want to end up like me.
I started at a community college with a full scholarship and did just fine the first semester as far as going to class and keeping the scholarship goes. I was incredibly scared of people and kept to myself, and I was always afraid of being around other people in class. I eventually ended up skipping many classes and by my second semester, I lost my scholarship. I ended up developing very bad habits of drinking everyday and becoming more and more scared of being outside and around people, so I completely skipped out on classes for a few semesters. It's been several years now and I finally finished my schooling at the community college because I eventually curbed my drinking and finished what I needed over the internet. It's ridiculous though, here I am, several years later, with the same problems and same fears. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I let my depression stop me from doing what was most important, and all I've done is dig myself deeper and deeper. Don't let yourself fall into a habit of missing classes, stick with it the best you can, one day at a time. Eventually, they will at least be over and you will at least have completed something for yourself and your future.