Do you miss classes because of depression?

I missed 10 hours of my college classes yesterday JUST BECAUSE I was too depressed to get out of my bed.

I just absolutely hate everything about life now...Nothing very good ever happens to me. Life is boring, dull and meaningless...


Well-known member
o no! college is very very expensive where i live and i cant afford to loose class, but surely it depends on what classes you are missing

as for me in an acedemic perspective which is cold and straightforward i would suggest that you should not miss class

from another perspective i could see it being alright to miss out on a few classes but not make a habit of it because class moves forward with or without you

its alright to miss one day of class


New member
Ugh, this happened to me all last semester. I'm an English major, and I passed Creative Writing with a D because of it. See if there is a counseling center on campus, that's what I did. Are you on any depression medication yet? That helped me tremendously, but still didn't get me through the winter blahs. You may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. The worst part is, even the medicine and therapy doesn't cure it all. You have to be able to work with the negative thoughts, too. I hope this helps! Good luck!!
Yeah I went to the councilor and she wanted me to see the school psychiatrist. He prescribed cymbalta and it hasn't kicked in yet because it's only been a week. It could be the winter blahs though. I really wanna get out there and do stuff but I can't because it's winter (all my hobbies require warm dry weather) and I have school..
I skip school for a variety of different reasons. Back when I went to regular high school I went just about a little over half the time. Mostly because I get sick really really really easily. But also because sometimes I'm lazy and just don't want to go, or because I'm freaking out about something. God, no wonder I failed.


New member
I am not a doctor, just sharing my personal experience as I have had depressions and anxiety for sometime. The best way to get over anxiety and depression is to take a break from your regular schedule, go out, and take good sleep. This helps in clearing the mind and try consulting a specialist who can suggest you as how you can get over your problem. There are various prescription drugs like Xanax to get over anxiety and depression, but these should only be used in accordance with the instruction of a physician. There is a lot of fake selling of such medicines on internet, so before you can order it online just make sure it is a real pharmacy.


Well-known member
I missed 10 hours of my college classes yesterday JUST BECAUSE I was too depressed to get out of my bed.

I just absolutely hate everything about life now...Nothing very good ever happens to me. Life is boring, dull and meaningless...

yeah i just skipped an exams test yesterday:mad:same reason.depression.i just couldn stand seeing happy faces or any double that boredom and hate


I missed 10 hours of my college classes yesterday JUST BECAUSE I was too depressed to get out of my bed.

I just absolutely hate everything about life now...Nothing very good ever happens to me. Life is boring, dull and meaningless...

Sounds like you need some medication and to see your college's disability office and speak to them about your depression.


Hell yeah, first semester i had a 3.8 GPA ( 5 A's and 1 B) !!! second semester BOOOOOOOM! i got 2 A's,1 B, 2 C's and a D+!!! holy crap! junior year in high school. When i began my junior year, I felt really good and I thought my depression had ended since i went a whole year with depression during my sophomore year... nope i was dead wrong.

I just hope this won't happpen in college! yikes!


Well-known member
original poster-

I know how u feel, one time i jst walked out of a class cz i cudnt stand being there ne longer.
Nothing good ever happens to me too.... i try not to get happy bout sumthing cz i no sumin bad is going to follow, Life is shit and dull and meaningless.

So yh, i can totally relate to wat ur going fru.
I see the schools counsuler (cnt spell) i got for 1 hr every week, and ive been going for lil over a year now.


New member
Yeah definatley I'm in junior high and I missed like almost two straight months of school because I couldn't deal with all of it. Luckily I am done with that stage in life and starting a new leaf.


Well-known member
I miss work sometimes because of it. I didn't go in today because I felt like crap and my coworkers are all a bunch of nosy bitches. Good thing my boss is on vacation::p:


Active member
i used to skip a lot of school because of it.. really bummed about it. it effected a lot of what i can do now in post secondary. luckily, i still got into my program but i really wanted to get some scholarships.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Create your own motivation for going. Imagine the professor is lecturing in a chicken suit or somethin. I used to write notes that were in dialogue with the lecture and make fun of the talk for my own entertainment. It made it easier to go to an excruciating philosophy class.


ive missed out on so much, i always wanted to be a dj and im quite good at mixing and stuff (done a few clubs years ago), but i wanted to make my own techno tunes so i signed up for a college course that involved all that stuff!
i lasted 1 morning! the anxiety took over (again). i never went back.
i was back where i belong. the bottom of the ladder
at least i dont have anything to live up to


Well-known member
Thread resurrection ftw. :p

Before my car got stolen, cutting my college short, I sometimes missed classes/commitments because I couldn't muster the courage/motivation to get up and go. It was a combination of dread and depression.


Yes, I was unable to graduate high school because of it. 3 years later now I finally got my GED and now I'm going to start college in the fall, I hope the same thing doesn't happen in college, I am scared to death thinking about what might happen this fall.

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
Yes. I missed way too much classes and I actually got a written warning and I was even late for school too often that I was give probation to stay out of class and therefore, missing many lessons that well...I couldn't pass my GCSE's.

Right now, i'm at a technical college and it's painfully difficult to go to school everyday to an almost empty classroom and subjects that I actually had little interest in. I used to have atrocious attendance in this school too, like a few months ago...but it improve as the examinations are drawing nearer and I'll be graduating next year I sort of force myself to go for lessons to get it over, and then I'll be at a local polytechnic after this. (Sheesh)


Well-known member
I missed most of highschool because of my issues, of course I totally regret it now because my social experience level fell even further behind other people my age.

When it came for my 2 years at college however I somehow managed to suffer through it and never missed a single class, and got good grades. Every morning forcing myself there was hell. I don't know how I did it but I was determined to not be a loser without even their HSC.

But then of course Uni was next where I dropped out, not once, but twice. The never ending treadmill of life just got to me and I wonder if I can ever force myself back on it.


Active member
I missed an entire semester at Uni because of it... But luckily there was a chance to catch up later. I think we should offer ourselves the time needed to isolate and relax and try to catch up afterwards... when feeling better. Or maybe it's just me beind avoidant again... pf... who knows? :p