Do you hate your body?


Active member
Wow Speaker! 80 pnds !! way to go & all the best laying off the crap!! Just reading it is disgusting! im sorry u had to eat that eeews, and all the best with finishing up on accomplishing the steps you have in front of you. May you have the body that you deserve and may it help u be happy.

Awww Thanks so much love!! *Hugggz you*


Well-known member
I have no opinion of my body. That's the most annoying part. I'm not ripped like a gym junkie and i'm not ugly. I feel like a white blotch of "I don't know" how to even describe myself. I look nerdy and skinny. i guess.


Well-known member
I'm too skinny and can't gain, but as annoying as that is I know it's more of a good thing than bad. Might as well take advantage of being able to eat whatever I want while my metabolism is good.


Well-known member
even if i was just bones,it'd still feel bad about my body,i'll never feel comfortable in my own skin,i feel ashamed of myself.eventhough i'm quite slim,certain clothes(most clothes)make me feel and look gigantic.
I hate my skin, under my shirt my skin is too white, it's like I went to get a tan but stayed with my clothes on. It's so embarrassing going to the beach like this.


Well-known member
Roundly I don't like it. I think that, If I would have a beautiful face the rest of my body wouldn't be so important.


Well-known member
Seriously, there should be a rule against these self-flagellation threads.

Well for a lot of people - myself included - it's not unrelated to social phobia. A study from last year actually showed that obesity can cause or trigger social anxiety disorder in people that didn't previously have it, or who had it to a much less severe degree. The anxiety of being seen by others, the avoidance of social situations, etc.

I'd count myself in that group. I reckon I've always had SAD, but it wasn't until I became obese that it became debilitating.


New member
I wouldnt say I hate my body, I like my boobs, my ass, my curves. I'm not fat, not skinny, just about in the middle. But I HATE the way clothes fit on me. I can never find an outfit that I feel good in, or sexy, or cute, or thinner in. I can never find clothes I like. And I will see bigger girls wearing all thses clothes I wouldnt dare to wear and they look good in. I can't find clothes that I like. I need like a stylist or something, becasue I know I can look good, if I new better


I like my shoulders, biceps and chest. I like my toned definition.
What really bothers me is my overall size. I wish I was just a little bit taller and just a few kilograms heavier - then I would be happy.
I still dont particularly like my facial features though.


Well-known member
My body is weird. I love and hate it. It's so awkward that I couldn't describe it to people where it would make sense. One thing that bothers me is my slight lordosis and people can really tell when I'm in a dress.

People like to compare me to other people my size and they've always did that to me. I took of my jacket the other day to give blood and the lady gasped at how skinny I actually was because my hips can give an illusion that I'm bigger.

IDK. It's okay being different, but it really hurts my feelings when people gasp and compare me. There is always something that people point out on me, like my "piano fingers" etc etc etc. Okay. Everything on me has to be critiqued by someone. I get it, I'm funny. :-(
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Yes, I hate it. I have since I was about nine, and my torso hit it's adult size three years before my height caught up.

I always thought I was fat, even back in high school when I was right in the middle of the ideal weight range for my height and build. But I'm built like a tea pot, short and stout. I have broad shoulders for a woman and hips to match. My legs resemble stunted tree trunks, kind of stubby and really thick even back when I was at my smallest. My hands are frickin huge for a woman, and I have the stupidest square jaw. My skin decided it hated me when I hit ten and has only ever been clear since while I was pregnant.

Then I had two children and two miscarriages in just over two years. I spent months on bed rest to make it to term, or close with the second in any case, and ended up packing on seventy-five extra pounds. After four years of dieting and exercise, I've only managed to loose twenty. The doctors can't tell me why I'm stuck where I am.

Beyond that, I apparently have very bad genetics. I have migraines something chronic, massive allergies, and an inherited inner ear issue that will probably render me deaf by the time I hit forty. All my calogen is utter crap, so my joints are weak and all my weight loss did was make the skin start to sag because it has the elasticity of a woman twice my age. I've no arches to speak of, so once the weather cools, my plantar tendons have me hobbling about like an old woman for the first hour or so of the day. Oh, and apparently my hair can't even make up it's mind if it wants to be curly, wavy, or straight, so it just ends up a gigantic frizzy mess no matter what I do.

So yeah. I hate my body. It has absolutely no redeeming qualities.