Well-known member
I feel not good enough for the opposite sex. Girls want confidence,I have anxiety. No one understands. It is so hopeless to even get a girlfriend. But I believe Jesushasomeoneforme.
Not the opposite sex, & I don't really feel I'm "not good enough" but just that no one would ever accept me the way that I am. They would never understand.
Edit: I forgot I was Marge Simpson. Apparently I'm already married lol.
I KNOW I'm not good enough and never will be. I'm ugly so I can forget ever getting a boyfriend. It doesn't even bother me that much, I'm so used to the thought.
Confidence is important, but it doesn't mean being some world class gigolo. You just have to learn to love yourself. Positive people are always attractive (not that I know anything about positive =P)
Looks mean nothing in the long run, EVERYONE will lose any looks they had when younger even people who are stunning now will one day be wrinkly and saggy.
If someone is with a partner just because of looks it will never last as one day they will look over at there once stunning girlfriend and see a fat, droopy old woman so relationships have to be based on so much more than looks, you have to look over at your partner and fancy them for how they make you feel not for what they look like.
Everyone has different taste, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say.
A friend of mine asked me to introduce her to my sister in laws brother as she thought he was gorgeous, i thought she was joking as he is very skinny, very tall,has a big nose and buck teeth but she was deadly serous so i introduced them and now 19 years on they are still together with 2 kids.
You may think your ugly but someone out there will think your gorgeous.