Do you compare yourself with others?


I've been wondering, do you compare yourself to others? (sorry for my english)
I always do that, like my friends go out and stuff, but i dont do that.
And i really blame myself for that ::(:
It even makes me feel depressed :eek:
I dont know what to do about this.. yea.. overcome SA .. but yea thats diff ::(:
Do you have some tips?

Well write your opinion :rolleyes:

Much Love,



Well-known member
you know what thats not a bad singing voice you have there .......and the question hmmm i dont think i compare myself to others , im just me an annoying wind up merchant .... in another life i was probably a wasp lol there annoying bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz :D:D:D


Well-known member
yeah, I do that all the time...
especially when I hear people planning out their holidays, saying things like "I'm not gonna have one minute of spare time next month"... It makes me feel bad to know I'll probably be sitting at home while they are having the time of their life.
It's a bad thing to do though; people are just way too complex to be compared to eachother. Comparing yourself will only make you more 'SAD' , it's best if you try to just love yourself for what you are, and admire the things you don't have in the end it will make you a better person. ;)


I compare myself to others all the time. And it's not a good thing. Makes me really depressed. It makes me realize that there are so many reasons why I am alone and don't fit in. It's a circle - the more I compare myself to others, the worse I feel, which of course makes me even more antisocial and makes me compare myself with all the other people and the vicious cycle continues.
A lot, but I'm trying to overcome this. I compare myself to more successful people and that makes me worse. So I try to compare myself to bad people... What I got better than they are.


Active member
Of course, I think most people compare themselves to other people on some level. I just naturally do it myself, and I compare myself with almost everyone around me...

Darker Than Black

Well-known member
I used to do it ALL the time, then after my youtube vids, ppl msged me and gave some really good advice

comparing myself to other have done absolutely nothing good for the last 5-6 years, it brought me more pain than happiness, yet the ones I compared myself to were all happy and know?

that's when I came across the Book of God, and it is really helping me to cop with life


Active member
yea,and i hate it i wish i could just stop doing that,but no matter where i am i compare myself to others,when am doing something i always think that the other person can do it better


Well-known member
=/ Always comparing myself to others. Friends, celebrities, family members, members, random people on the street...
I can't help it. Even if I was good at everything I'd still think others were better/prettier/smarter/more successful.


Well-known member
Yes, it is common. If you have a good singing voice, perhaps you should try making a career out of it. Apparently Barbara Streisand also has social phobia. If you are good at something, that can become the focus of attention. By the way, I could not find any mistakes in your English.


Well-known member
Yes, often. Then I realize how everyone else is better than me and how much of a loser I am.

Just because you feel that way does not necessarily mean it is true. People with hydrophobia think that all water anywhere is dangerous. That does not make it true. It should be obvious that many people here feel the same, so it must be nothing more than a medical condition issue, since that is the common factor.


Super Moderator
Just because you feel that way does not necessarily mean it is true. People with hydrophobia think that all water anywhere is dangerous. That does not make it true. It should be obvious that many people here feel the same, so it must be nothing more than a medical condition issue, since that is the common factor.

Right now I understand... the problem comes when the feelings appear. No rational thoughts or logic makes them go away. It feels as if the mind has been programmed to think that way... I don't know.


Well-known member
Yes. I might see a person who's all popular and stuff, and see how they act like an idiot, and think, 'why do these people like this person? Why do they follow this idiot around?' and then I realize, 'of course, that person is a social hub and the others don't really care about the person, they are just using him/her as a way of becoming more popular themselves." That's how it all works. Society is like one big F***ing network. Some people are like hubs that others just join-up with to be more like a hub theirself. What am I in this web of society? A very distant dot, far away from all the other dots and hubs, secluded; minimal links to others; sometimes glad that I am the way I see some of these jerks act. So yeah, I compare myself to others, but to be honest, I don't belittle myself anymore. I pity most of them. Not all of them. There is actually a good handful of decent people in this world. They are a minority but they do exist. Some of you probably. I like to consider myself one of them minus the social capabilities.


Well-known member
I do compare myself to others, especially other women, but i'm not half as bad as i used to be, i'm beginning to realise that i am who i am and i have to live with that like it or not, it's just unhealthy constantly comparing myself to people who i will never be!


Well-known member
Yes, but I try not to -- it just makes me feel depressed.

I have my own talents, so I don't usually compare abilities like some people in this thread have suggested. I know that everyone does something well, and I'm happy with my particular set of skills.

But what I do think about is mostly social standing or social abilities: Oh that person is so charming, that person is so hot, that person has a girlfriend, that person is getting married (devastating when they're as young as I am!). I find myself thinking about what I'd sacrifice to get what they have -- which, coincidentally, is a lot.