Do you believe in True friendship/True love?

I agree with this.

I also think that maybe we've just watched a few too many movies or television programs, where there always seems to be a fairytale ending, and couples who are destined to be together always get together (most often through unrealistic methods). I'm not saying that this means true love or friendship doesn't exist, because I believe it does, but we may not necessarily realise it because it doesn't look like how it does in the world of fiction.

I think its a very worthwhile point - to be aware that not all love is Hollywood, and that maybe we need to be a bit more still inside to really see the people we have around us.

I do think, though, that everyone has, at somepoint or somewhere in their lives, a true love, even if its only for 1 week, 1 day, or 1 hour. I dont think Ive had mine yet... otherwise I wouldnt be typing now - I'd be going to get her!


True friendship/true love seems to me like it would be something like unconditional acceptance. Though I'm guessing that is very hard for people to do (me included) but it can be worked on. Feel free to disagree with me, anyone, though. I might have worded it wrong. I'd be interested to hear others thoughts on this.
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A friend

Well-known member
True friendship is an idea that should be supported and given energy and gratitude that it deserves.

But the other (in my own opinion) is trivial and is what I consider to be a social mirage. That's what I believe.


Well-known member
I would like to say that I found true love. That we accept each other unconditionally.

The problem I have is that I don't truly understand love. It scares the crap out of me.
I love my wife but my mind won't accept it. I think it is a fear of her leaving me.


Well-known member
Yep if youre lucky one you can have lasting friendships and relationship :) it takes work though. It seems more like almost hopeless/hopeful balence for me, but some people i can tell theyre lucky and others not....


Well-known member
I think to begin with you can really have a connection with someone, but once you get to know someone really well and have spent years of your life with someone there will be things that you cant stand about the person and it could just be something really little but its enough to push you over the edge. But at the same time you do love the person and dont want to leave, cant imagine your life without them but its just not how it once was.