OK Shave, one object can not become a part of you and shave it off its been ten years. Its a new decade time for a change if you don't like it, grow it back. Its simple you have environmental problem a beard if people make fun or you shave it off. I can understand I have to shave my head clean of hair I am 24 years old with a comb over so I shave it because my body (tool) needs to look good for me. Its serious matter not to take lightly. To fix a problem you must take advice or make that effort to fix the problem that is the point to be on here to get advice to fix problems. It may not be something some one wants, but if the advice for your tool works then use it I look like a fat guy with a goatee it made me look like I had a double chin. So you know what I did I shaved it. If it became more winter I let it grow out. It takes me two weeks to grow a full beard. For most, but not all men is the same. I understand you want to honor your friend awesome do it another way now go to his grave on the anniversary and leave flowers or his favorite candy. I can give multiple suggestion, but the thing is will you shave it for you. If you don't like being made fun of then shave it because you don't like to be judge based on your tool. I am a pessimist also I reject things because I have bi polar a mood disorder. To fix my problems I must take those steps accordingly it doesn't mean that if I fix it I'm not going to stop coming on here. It means that I know I am going to help them, listen to them, understand them, and give them advice. You are probably an awesome person that people do not see because the outside world doesn't understand you. Our community does and we want to help you. Remember its just advice you can take it or leave it. Its up to you; we can't force you to shave only give you suggestions.