Do people sometimes think that you are gay?


Well-known member
Well my mom did it, she finally sprung the question onto me today and I expected it. Mostly because I KNOW she finds it unusual that I've never had a girlfriend, that I'm not into guy stuff (sports, cars, drinking, etc), and that I'm so withdrawn...she told me that she suspects that I'm hiding something and for some strange reason she pegs it as being my sexuality =/

I told her that I'm definitely straight and then she told me that she will accept me no matter what my sexuality is. Now, I'm glad my mom is so open-minded, but it certainly bothers me that she would be thinking about me possibly being gay. I know I'm shy with women and don't really express interest in them, but I still like them dammit!!

Have any of you ever had a similar experience? I think I got off easy :( I wonder what my hardass dad would think of me.


Well-known member
Once in a gay bar ha! Another time in a normal club which was a bit embarassing as I was with a group of guy mates. Do you think he might have been taking the p**s. Who knows :confused:
Yeah, allot of people assume that I'm gay. But in all fairness, in my case it's kinda true. :rolleyes:

But it's really judgment on their side. The only justified reason for her to think that you're gay is if you were to show interest in guys, which I assume you didn't. Just because you don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean you're by definition interested in guys. If she asks you whether you're gay, don't freak out and casually say ''No mom, I'm not gay'', as if it's no big deal. Because frankly, it isn't. :3

It's also possible to be entirely disinterested in either sex because of things that are going on. Just talk straight forward about your sexuality (and I know how ironic that phrasing was. x3). And even if they still pass judgment after you've clearly stated that you're not interested in guys, just ignore it.

There's no shame in being (called) gay, and you know you're not gay so why let their unjustified judgment bug you?

You know you're not gay, and that's all that matters.


Well-known member
yeah, my face and my voice and my shyness and my interests (music, art, not sport)... make everyone think im a gay. But i get used to it. Whats important is I know that Im not gay


Well-known member
my mates used to think i was gay years ago due to my shyness of girls :eek: i used to get chatted up all the time in pubs clubs by girls , but i was shy i walked away ::(: but im ok now though ... well better than i was anyways :)


Well-known member
people don't think i'm gay they just think i'm a coward in all honestly, i've been told that i'm a scaredy cat and a coward because of my shyness etc


Active member
Yes! Just last week a coworker asked me if I was into women, he'd noticed I never date or flirt. I found it mildly amusing, plus I feel it adds an air of mystery to me, ha!


I had that happen in Highschool once. This girl was like, "Hey I want to hook you up with a friend of mine". Of course she didn't tell me that her friend was a man. When I met him I was disappointed to say in the least, and when she saw that her response was, "What, you mean you aren't gay?"


Well-known member
I think so. I mean, no one straight out told me they thought I was, but a year and a half ago one of my friends was talking to someone and then she asked me if I was gay, and I said "No, why?" and she claimed she was telling the other person how you never know if someone is gay or not. Which, once I thought about it, I don't know how that even proved the point she was making. Just because I don't have a boyfriend and never had a boyfriend in my 17 years of exsistance, does not make me gay. If only they knew how head over heels I got about certain guys.


Yeah, I have had that problem too, I have been asked out by more men than women in my life. Its probably because I am quite slim and quiet and not really into the typically manly stuff like sports etc...

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
when I was a teenager, yeah. it makes sense really, people sense when something's out of the ordinary, they just cant put their finger on exactly what it is. so sometimes they guess wrong. and like you guys say, people notice if you dont tend to date much. it made me really have emphathy for people who actually are homosexual, because the people who thought i was a lesbian really looked at me like i was diseased and contagious. of course, i live in the south where people are intolerant. people who are openly gay are really brave to face that


Well-known member
When I was 12 years old I was hanging out with some of the girls from my dance class. Not exactly good friends. I felt like a bit of an outcast there. They were all talking about crushes and they asked me who I liked. I said "No one." They kept trying to get it out of me but I honestly did not have a crush on anybody. Then one of the girls was like "gee, you're gonna turn out to be a lesbian or something." Wtf?! I was 12!! Sorry for not really being interested in guys yet. And at any age, it shouldn't matter if I don't like anyone in particular. I wasn't the stereotypical boy-crazy teenage girl. I had a few crushes but I didn't go nuts over anyone and everyone like a lot do. I didn't have a boyfriend at all until I was almost 18. Early on in the relationship, my brother made a comment that he thought I was a lesbian. I think he was half serious. I've never dated anybody else and I've been single about 3 years now. I'm definitely straight but sometimes I wonder whether people are going to start questioning that if I stay single long enough.:confused: Maybe I'm just overanalyzing. I don't show any obvious interest in guys around my family at all. If I'm gonna check out guys I'd rather keep it to myself. I just hope I don't come across as completely disinterested either.::(:


Well-known member
I've been asked if I was Jewish on several occasions and mistaken for a woman once or twice, but no one's ever asked me if I was gay. While sometimes humorous and accepting, I'm neither happy nor homosexual.

If someone ever asks me, I'm not quite sure how I'll respond. Part of me would like to ask what s/he thinks and why, part of me wants to ask if s/he wants me to be, and if I don't know the person I'm partly tempted to admit to something even worse than being gay*. Maybe something like sexual thoughts about farm animals, or corpses. Or maybe something a bit less creepy, like elves or cartoon characters. But since I don't get out much, I don't get too many opportunities to screw with random people's minds. It's really quite sad.

Ultimately I'm comfortable with my sexuality, and don't really care what others think. Then again I've never had a girlfriend. So how do I know that I'd really want one?

* I don't think there's anything wrong with homosexuality, but many others do. So I'm kind of going on the assumption that one might be "worried" or "afraid" that you are gay.
I'm mostly a shy introverted kinda teenager. I like women for sure but i'm really shy to talk to them and face them so my mates kinda suspect me of being homo until i asked this girl i liked out to the dance then they stopped ha ha.


Well-known member
Yes if I had a dollar for how many times it happened,its because I dont really want to be with girls at all,not even if she is beautiful,not really interested,dont feel anything at all,it would feel fake,I will only be interested if I actually feel something for her,which is rare.


Well-known member
Someone of my class said to me I must be gay because I don't almost-rape them like all the other boys do. And then it was quiet .. I think my mum thinks I'm gay too.::(:


Well-known member
Wow I am suprised that this tread is on here cause it happens to me so often. I am like "people only see me for like a few minutes yet they think they know all about me"

Its either they think i am gay or married. Its so anoying. The worst part are the people who think its their duty to match up the whole world. Whats so evil about being single? Its like if you are not dating then you need to be arested and thrown in prison.

Worst part is even if we were gay they still wouldn't be satisified. I've seen people who broke down and got a date just to avoid the harassment but it still didn't shut people up. They just brought more drama like "When are you 2 getting married." So the couple gets married then they just found some thing else to fuss about.