Did you hear what happened in Norway?


Hope Isdzan (Timeboto) from this site is ok, he chatted to me once for a bit and said he was from Oslo, but he was kurdish.


Well-known member
My sympathies for the loss and horror in Norway.

I have a soft spot for that part of the world. My friend and I had once studied Norwegian. It saddens me that the one of the places everyone thought was peaceful and safe is not immune to this kind of terror. The world is a scary place.

Alt for Norge. :(


Well-known member
84 people, was the guy using a bazooka or something, my god it got to be the largest shooting ever... not to diminish the terror on a bombing, but i'm much more afraid of this type of shooting, how can a normal person kill 84 and why? out of the blue!

its like that guy who killed all those kids in a school here in brazil. you cant see it coming youre completelly defenseless because its a person who dont seems to pose a real thread to annyone. until bang school shotting

He bombed the government building in Oslo as a distraction, then armed himself, dressed up like a cop and traveled to a youth camp a few miles from Oslo. While everyone was preoccupied with the bomb he used his cop uniform to gain peoples trust then systematically and calmly executed everyone he could see, even shooting those who lay on the ground in the head to make sure they were dead. When the cops finally arrived he had managed to kill 86 people. he quietly put down his weapons and surrendered to the police. he said what he had done was horrifying, but necessary. A sick, sick individual who will go down in history as one of the most evil people in modern history.

I urge everyone here at SPW to light a candle for those who were killed and their families.
Personally i'm "used" to seeing these sorts of things in the news. Was in depression, saw this in the news, and (sorry to say but it actually "cheered me up" a little, due simply to the diversion aspect, but i was also a little shocked). The last major "shooting rampage" i can recall is probably the one in Russia. And about 20 years ago, about 20 kms from my family home, there was a masacre - this older guy shot most of his family members on a farm. I still to this day can't really comprehend that it actually happened, even though i have driven past there the odd time since. And that's what i think the main issue with this dude is - that there's a "crossover" or "mix-up" in his distorted mind, between fantasy & reality. Some modern things such as television, film, computer games,... (as well as some classical, time-tested, reality-distorters such as constantly/repeatedly focussing mind on irrational beliefs) can act on the brain to blur the division between reality & imagination, which is dangerous in a major way, as to the subconsious, what is imagined is effectively the same as what is real. So, although somewhat shocked, i am not surprised at yet another mass-killing. Very few countires are except. And the issue isn't really so much politics, religion, cults, ideologies, and so forth, but the current state of human beings - that is the common thread. This current state is that humans are still very much irrational and ego-based, and therefore of lowered consciousness. In another words conscious-mind-based, which is the source of all conflict and suffering. But apparently this current state of affairs, the peak of violence that we are experiencing in the 20th/21st century will pass. My own basic estimation is that this will occur somewhere between 2500-3000. But maybe the world will start evolving into an "adult" within (mid-late) 20xx or 21xx (as 21 yrs old). Time will tell...
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Deepest condolences to the catastrophic Oslo

I want clarification just so there is no confusion between Islam and terrorism, Islam Is

Against All Forms of Terrorism and Extremism


Well-known member
Deepest condolences to the catastrophic Oslo

I want clarification just so there is no confusion between Islam and terrorism, Islam Is

Against All Forms of Terrorism and Extremism

This is true. :) This act has been condemnded by many muslims.


Well-known member
From the "rose march" in Oslo, where almost 200 000 people met up to show their support for the victims and their kin. :)



Well-known member
Oh my sweet lord, look at all those blondes! :eek:

It's so funny when people point that out... ::p:

Another beautiful picture is how the "sea of roses and candles", as it's been named, looks. Here's the entire thing in 3D: (Just use the buttons to move around) Clickclick.
It started with just a few roses and candles, and it's just grown and grown into this massive sea of roses, candles, flags and letters we see here. Pretty impressive, as well as beautiful.


Well-known member
<3 norway... Here is a piece from a guy, before Breivik took his place:

You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul, and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and defenseless people. Do you know what it feels to be spit on your face and to have trash shoved down your throat? Do you know what it feels like to dig your own grave? Do you know what it feels like to have your throat slashed from ear to ear? Do you know what it feels like to be torched alive? Do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and be impaled upon on a cross? And left to bleed to death for your amusement? You have never felt a single ounce of pain your whole life. Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can just because you can?...I didn't have to do this. I could have left. I could have fled. But no, I will no longer run. It's not for me. For my children, for my brothers and sisters that you ****ed;, I did it for them... When the time came, I did it. I had to...You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off. You had everything you wanted. Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats. Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust fund wasn't enough. Your Vodka and Cognac weren't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything.


Well-known member
Yeah. An extremist trying to battle extremism WITH extremism. Oh, the irony. There is a famous quote from Frederick Nietzche that says "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the procees he does not become a monster."


Well-known member
Felgen, beautiful pic :) it's good to see the support of people.... :)

Good to hear islamic people are against terrorism and extremism too!!

smallestloser, interesting perspective too... I do hope we are evolving to better things, as a species, too...
In my opinion, there is too much violence on TV and in many videogames/computer games... And not enough 'real' connection and good communication in RL, often...
Some experts say it can influence people badly, death can become more 'unreal'... some may be influenced more than others...
It would be interesting to know what this guy watched, did he play any videogames, or did he just read extremists blogs/books and hang out with other extremists or such? What kind of life did he have?

Coyote, I do hope it was a singular guy/group that did this... and that other countries or backgrounds weren't involved... In the past, some countries have been involved in other people's politics and events... I do hope that this is something where we as world are evolving too...

Pakistan, were you quoting another mass killer?

NI54, good quote. Where is it from? Wouldn't rely on Nietzche for anti-extremism too much though, his works have been misused for extremist purposes too...

Luckily, most people are still non-extremists and just want to live life in peace... I think...