Do you feel that if you do ever get in a relationship you will not have time to devote to that person?
I feel that i've gone for so many years without ever having had a girlfriend that i've become set in my ways. I feel that although i feel lonely, being alone is what only truly feels comfortable, i feel that i perhaps have damaged my brain into the belief that i should be solitary....That people take too much of my time.
Even so i want to experience a relationship but my brain tells me - ''You won't have time to do the hobbies you enjoy'' and the thought of having to speak on the phone every night fills me with fear, also the fear of meeting the girls parents fills me with fear.
It sucks to be lonely.
Hey Recluse, I think it's kinda good that you've thought about this stuff ahead of time before you enter a relationship. It's good to have an idea of what you might or might not be ok with
From my own experience though, actually being in a relationship and experiencing it for yourself is much different than what you assumed it would be like. I thought i'd be a certain way in a relationship too, but turns out I'm like the complete opposite. I'm not saying everyone will be like that. Some people could end up being exactly how they imagined.
I don't think you should be worried about not devoting enough time to your gf. The relationship will not be all about her, so you will have a say in it! If you're actually interested in her I'm sure you would make some time to see her. If it gets to be too much you could always ask for some space. And everyone in a relationship should make time for there own hobbies and interests. You could even try to get her to participate in some of your hobbies. Unless your hobbies literally take up all of your time. You HAVE to make some time for your gf if you want to keep her around.
Oh and that whole phone thing, I don't like it either! Maybe your gf would enjoy texting or IMing lol. That's what I prefer until I get over my phone anxiety.
Aaaand I think I have typed too much lol. So my ending statement is- Being alone used to be comfortable to me too, I was used to it. But once you find that perfect person you wont remember how you were able to stay alone for so long. Being with someone will become your new normal.. when you find the right person. Just don't worry so much! Go with the flow. Be looseh gooseh.. =)