Death of a cat.


Well-known member
About four months ago, I was in my dimly lit basement, where my cat usually loiters around, taking in the shade. We had known for about 1 month that she had some kind of tumor, and just the night before, she had defacated on my parent's bed. As I wachter her, worrying that she was in some kind of pain, she abrubtly proceeded to squeel and run to the corner of the room and **** on the hard wood floor. We had her put down that day. I KNOW that that was the right thing to do; she was clearly in pain, and if we waited any longer then that pain would become excruciating. We took her to a sympathetic vet, who was clearly quite emotionaly involved in these situations--and rightly so. People love their pets.

However, in my case, I cared more about that cat than any living organism. More than my family, friend, or myself. THat cat could be relied on to cheer me up, greeting me with a friendly meow, wanting to sit on my chest. That made a huge impact on my life, this animial made my life seem worth something. BTW I have asperger's (with SP)and I'm supposedly gifted intellectualy; I'm working with a professor over the summer on some research she has been doing. Of course, what everyone dosen't know is how little I think of myself. Hah! and I don't even have a cat.

Moreover, since the cat death, I have been taking to not being able to sleep, which I have been treating with zopiclone stonlen from my stepmom. Moreover, I was once addicted to this drug; however, the way I am using it is unlikly to lead to too much tolerence and the stress I'm under now isn't nearly of the same intensity as before (EXTREEM PAINIC ATTACKS....). Meanwhile, I'm recomending her an exclenent Murakami book to read.

My friend isn't very much like me at all (he's quite a simpleton, and I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean it in a good way). I value his freindship enormously, however, I need a friend or relationship partner that I can relate to. Furthemroe, I don't have the skills required to start such a partnership.

I have no one to relate to. I have no cat. I have one friend who is very diffrent from I. I have never been in a romantic relationship of any kind, and I hav eno idea how these even devolop. End rant.
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Well-known member
I'm sorry for the loss of your cat, a special pet can be one of the best things in life. You did the right thing by putting her down, so she wouldn't hurt anymore. I had a cat too, she died peacefully, but i was sad especially the next day because i remember a classmate bringing up pet cats. I think you should get another pet, when you ready, make a new friend.
I'm sorry about your cat, but I think you did the right thing. I know how hard it is to lose a pet that you are that close to. I agree that it is very hard to have humans as friends.


Well-known member
Sorry. No, don't feel bad you were close to your cat and it gave you comfort. Too bad that happened to your poor kitty. Try finding another close companion even though I know, that cat still matters to you.


Poor cat. I was very afflicted by the death of my dog when I was a child. I suffered more for him than any human. But now it´s different, we lost many animals since then but I got over it quite easily. Not that I wasn´t sorry for them but I just can´t develop so strong emotional ties like when I was a child. It was a different time, very different.

Now why don´t you get a new cat? I´m sure it will be as good as the previous one :).
Have you given any thought to getting a cat from say an animal shelter? By doing this you may be in fact saving the life of the animal. I don't know how that works in your area. 2 years ago I had a blue pitbull puppy, I loved that dog almost like a child. My wife loved it and my children loved it, and somebody, most likely a neighbor, poisoned it one night. I cried when I buried her. Now I have another blue pitbull, a 100 pound female, she stays in the house so nobody can bother her. I am glad I got another one but I wont ever forget the one that died.
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Well-known member
I can understand. My cat was poisoned by a neighbor four years ago and I still wake up in the middle of the night crying over him. He was my best friend and I still miss him so much. I was in a horrible place after he died and I had no one to turn to.
I know I'm not helping lol, I just want you to know that some people are very attached to their pets and for some, it's just as painful, if not moreso, that losing a human being, so you're not alone in that.


Well-known member
Our cat was attacked by dogs in August, 2010 and had to be put down due to her injuries and I still miss her every day.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Well-known member
Really sorry to hear about your cat. ::(: I understand exactly how you feel. About 5 summers ago I took in a stray dog that just showed up out of the blue one day. The day I saw him, I just knew there was something special about him (as tacky as that sounds) and, I can't really explain it, but we just "clicked." He was such a great dog (a black lab/border collie mix), and only about 6 months old when I found him. He was partially trained too, and very intelligent, but I still spent that summer playing and training him.

That year I found him I was already struggling with depression and SA, so having him was the best thing ever. He knew there was something wrong, because at night when I would lay in bed and couldn't get to sleep from being so anxious and depressed, he would come in my room and stare at me for 5 seconds and then lay down next to me. He'd stay there until I fell asleep, and then he'd leave. Every night he did that until the day he died. I didn't even have him very long, only 4 months, when he died. Every year around his death date I get depressed for about a week or more. I still miss him a lot. ::(:

I have another border collie now. She's the sweetest thing ever, and very smart just like he was, but she'll never replace him. I love them both, but there are times where I really wish I had my old dog back.


Well-known member
aw im sorry =[
perhaps you could find a new cat? i know you cant really replace that cat, but it could help.
i know how it feels to loose a pet though
if you lived around here you could have one of my kittens! they need a home
I'm sorry about your cat. ::(: Even if we don't have them for an extended period of time, animals worm their way into our hearts. Their capacity for unconditional love makes them great friends for those of us who are shy and quiet and fear rejection. It's completely understandable that you felt such an attachment so quickly. I adopted a kitten two years ago. She'd only been with us for about 5 months or so before she had a freak accident and died during surgery. I was devastated. And my family found out a little over a month ago that my sister's cat has cancer. It's so hard to imagine. Pets have always been a part of the family in my house; they are never just animals we must take care of. My dog is 8 years old and is (I say this a little embarrassingly) one of my best friends. If I have a bad day, he isn't going to judge me or lecture me. He'll just curl up in my lap (which isn't easy since he is a golden retriever/chow chow mix!) and let me pet him and rub his tummy. He'll even shake my hand if he's feeling up to it. And it's all cathartic for me. He has given me just as much love, whether he knows it or not, as I have given him.