'Da World Just Hates Nice People'

I think maybe it's the nice people that are also "pushovers" that get screwed. Because I think you can be assertive and still be "nice" to some extent. You just have to know how to stand up for yourself.


Well-known member
Does anyone think this is tru

To a certain extent,doesnt make me want to go out and do mean spirited things though as I believe in karma.Theres a line between being nice and being a pushover..Being nice while having your dignity and self respect is the best way...
Dirty hippies

No. I don't know if 'Nice' is DA RIIGHT WURD. You can still have to power to be a nice and friendly person, while not letting people walk all over you. It's different. You just have to let people know that there is a limit, and that they can't totally use you for whatever you want. Those are more like people who just can't say NO to anything. Yeah, like pushovers.


Well-known member
"Nice" is such a vague word. It depends on what you mean by "nice."

dictionary.com said:
   /naɪs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nahys] Show IPA
–adjective, nic⋅er, nic⋅est.
1. pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
2. amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.
3. characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.
4. showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments: a job that requires nice measurements.
5. minute, fine, or subtle: a nice distinction.
6. having or showing delicate, accurate perception: a nice sense of color.
7. refined in manners, language, etc.: Nice people wouldn't do such things.
8. virtuous; respectable; decorous: a nice girl.
9. suitable or proper: That was not a nice remark.
10. carefully neat in dress, habits, etc.
11. (esp. of food) dainty or delicate.
12. having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes: They're much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue.
13. Obsolete. coy, shy, or reluctant.
14. Obsolete. unimportant; trivial.
15. Obsolete. wanton.

You gotta be pleasant to people if you want to be successful.

But if you're a wussy, people will disrespect you and take advantage of you.
naw nice people really finish first I'd say. most people would rather hang out with someone who's nice to them more than someone who's rude to them right??

But like everybody's saying, be nice but don't be a push over. If someone wants you to do something you don't wanna do, just say you don't wanna and leave it at that. Don't let people walk all over you BUT be as nice and friendly as you can and people will love you! :)


Well-known member
One time I googled something along the lines of "Does being a nice person mean you will finish last." Basically what it came down to was instead of being the non assertive, pushover, too nice, taken advantage of nice person be the "good person"...I think it actually said "good guy". I tend to occasionally find myself being way too nice to people. I have no problem with giving people respect and politeness where it is deserved but i've been learning to not let people walk over me. I'll choose the stance of the "good guy".
Eh, well I don't want to sound mean, but majority of humans just care for themselves and are pretty mean, so yes, this world just isn't for us nice, intellegent, peaceful people.


Well-known member
I'm starting to think that the good, decent people of the world are being trodden upon.

Years ago, it meant something to be a person of upstanding character, but now seems that the world is dog eat dog, and keeping up with the Jones'.

Sad really, but I still wish to continue being a nice person - just have to work on my confidence and learning to associate with fellow nice, like-minded folk.



Well-known member
I was conditioned to demonstrate a specific set of manners and overall 'niceness' with others. I have difficulty defining the limit with people (where nice meets pushover), and often get trampled on. I don't pity myself however, if you hold a sign that says 'dump here' it will happen. I'm working on changing that. The trouble is changing this behaviour, while not overcompensating in the other regard. i.e. acting like a jerk. I have high defenses however and it can be a challenge. But holy hell no one appreciates being disrespected.

I too was raised to respect and show manners - especially to my elders - which set about much inner conflict within me as many elders I encountered weren't always respectful, admirable people or even kind to me, so I still struggle with that.

Just because you're told or conditioned to be nice and polite to someone, doesn't mean they deserve it - if you know that I mean.

I think it involves knowing when to assert yourself and when to genuinely be open and kind to others who show you the same courtesy - easier said than done.


Well-known member
yes nice works great but for example
there is this one guy who has been pickin on me, and so i stood upto him and hasn't bothered me since, if i had stayed nice and hoped for the best it just would of kept going

be nice all you want, give the other person some space, make sure you get your fair share of opinons through and if you belive what is happening is wrong and its your business then make it right