Clubs for SA


Well-known member
Are there clubs or groups for people with SA? I'm not good with people but I'm going crazy being alone at home so I was hoping there was somewhere I could go with people like me who have SA.


Well-known member
I don't know any, especially in Jacksonville, but maybe you could ask a doctor or someone like that if they know of any clubs or gatherings. That would be my first port of call. Good luck. :)


Well-known member
There might be a support group or two in your area. I know there's a support group in the city I'm in (Chicago), but it's way over on the other side of the city, closer to the South Side. I went to one meeting, and it was a hassle to get there; I had to transfer trains about 3-4 times before I finally got to the other university it was being held at.

You could also see if there's an SA Meetup group for your area (just look on Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup).
I've heard about a meeting group in Vancouver and New York.
For people like us, you can join every week.. So you have enough of choice. :)
And there are more than one groups.. They go clubbing (indeed), hold movie marathons or go out hiking, dining, or video chatting...

So there must be some within your region too, I'd say ;)

Since it's also in Holland (which makes me feel oddly suprised) is that I would say, it's in Jacksonville (or nearby) too.. :D

PS: how bad I wished for a club like that... x''D :p


Well-known member
There's one in Calgary here. It's an anxiety/depression support group where about once or twice a week they have a big meetup somewhere. Sometimes they meet at a park for a picnic or go bowling. I've gone a few times, the last time we all went to the science center. I thought it was fun, we don't sit around and talk about our problems, it's just so we can go out and meet others going through the same thing. It was neat to see a very diverse group of people all getting along. I don't go anymore but I do still stay in touch with a friend I made there, we keep each other posted on our progress and meet up for coffee every now and then. I'm not sure what's available in your city but I'm sure in Calgary has a group most other bigger cities should as well, you just need to search for it online, that's what I did. Good luck!