Can't take a joke, coming off as serious.


Well-known member
this is my biggest problem at work and well pretty much everywhere in a social realm. someone will be sarcastic and target me jokingly and i take ages to think of a decent response so i end up just laughing instead. what happens is someone will say "hey so it took you a hundred years to finally get the cutlery" or something sarcastic with venom and i'm trying to puzzle out something worthy for a comback and often end up saying something rediculously irelevant or just plain awkward or i start thinking about something from monty python, black adder or a comedy series that might fit ...i'm rubbish at naturally joking around and being fun at work because i'm not relaxed at all and i feel uneasy around managers and other people working hard. i'm always as nervous as you can imagine but i think i disguise it ok but it means i'm mostly quiet ...

i feel like i'm amongst a clique at work ( in hospitality) that are really close and bounce harsh jokes off each other and i really feel like i don't belong there at all or that i don't fit in whatsoever. the other problem is i tend to be over sensitive to what people have to say ..

so yeh i can only really be fun and jokey when i'm fully relaxed and that is usaully when i'm on my own and nobody is around which is the really sad part to all of this.


Well-known member
I understand how you feel, it happens to me and my friends sometimes. I don't know about you, but it happens to me randomly.

I'm kinda popular at work (prolly because I'm the youngest and craziest - if you count out the times when I was going through extreme moodswings).

Well, I'm starting to believe that the reason why I'd even be popular among them is because I often take jokes well and it makes people wanna come to you more - to play with you (by targeting you jokingly)

You know, they'd make sacarstic remarks off you and if you laugh it off or try to play along by refuting back, it makes the other party feel at ease too that hey, I can really open up to this person.

But I gotta say, sometimes when all they really mean are just casual jokes, it actually gets to me. And I feel really horrible, that's when I wouldn't know how to react and I'd just be standing there like a wood block. Sometimes I get really really offended by the kind of jokes they play, I try to brush it off and tell myself its just a joke but very often they can haunt me for days or even weeks )):

I believe if you could tell them back something they least expect you to answer, it'd prolly shut them up and everyone will just laugh it off and forget about it.


Well-known member
I can totally relate! My roommate does it to me all the time, well actually that the only way he talks to me at all. He would often use "that's what she said" jokes on me and everyone laughs, but no one laughs when I try to do the joke. He gets me angry and even a friend had told him to stop being mean to me and he just replies "But its so easy." I just stop talking to him in general unless its important.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I can't take jokes that well and I don't know how to respond to people joking at me. Customers do it to me a lot at work. I usually just try to smile and laugh, but I end up feeling really stupid and embarrassed. Other times I just don't do anything and continue with work.


Well-known member
I'm the same way, I have a great sense of humor but I seem to lack the mental acuity to process a simple joke or sarcastic remark directed toward me. =/
you can do it alone because youre relax and you don't try to impress others. If your relax its because you are not self conscious(drunk people are more funny because they don't give a damn).

Im often like you but what you can try is to concentrate on the outside of the world, not you. Concentrate on the person when he talk and yo, your not paid to be humorist. It's not easy, but try to don't put too much importance on being so funny, say stupid **** even if that's not funny, try to entertain YOURSELF before other. People don't pay you to be funny, don't put pressure on you, not everybody is Chris Rock:D.

hope that help you a little bit


Well-known member
To be honest, i really cant figure out what this is even supposed to mean ('hey so it took you a hundred years to finally get the cutlery'). I'd like to say ignore the remarks, but i guess since they're workmates you have to make a bit more of an effort. Maybe just smile and say 'yeah, whatever' and try to convey that whatever he said really doesn't bother you- maybe if you pretend at first then eventually it really wont bother you and you can focus on more important things :)


Well-known member
Also, sarcasm= lowest form of humour. There's this girl from my university course who constantly uses it (and somehow keeps a normal tone while using it) so it always catches me out and i end up looking foolish! I think she's also really insecure though, so i try not to let it bother me


Well-known member
humor is an art

some people are naturally gifted, for others it takes practice - trial and error

not everyone can play the violin either
Also, sarcasm= lowest form of humour. There's this girl from my university course who constantly uses it (and somehow keeps a normal tone while using it) so it always catches me out and i end up looking foolish! I think she's also really insecure though, so i try not to let it bother me

Lowest form. How can that be?

It's perfect when done in an even tone and slightly unheard. Most times people walk right into it. Urge, zing. Feel better. It happens that quick.
Unfortunate or fortunate, one would have to be familiar for it to work.