The world of star trek.
Where i no longer force myself to go to a job that i feel is below my intelligence level, simply to "chase the dollar" to survive. EVerybody is valued and the aqquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. Money is meaningless because of replication technology. So i never need to worry about it again. Instead i can focus on a life of scentific discovery and exploration and personal reflection. Humanity is much more evolved in its mentality and understanding of others, and those who are different arent shunned or seen as strange, instead theyre helped and encouraged and given the support thats needed.
Eh, just my shpiel .
i dream about a story i would love to put into a novel series. A young guy about 20 learns he is the descendant of a forgotten ancient god and learns that to return his lord to glory and gain his own power he must locate 4 lost artifacts hidden around the world. On the quest he learns of his vast history and complicated situation in his past life, when he ruled only second to the throne of the highest power existent. But not everything goes as planned once this goal is reached for him. He will have to prove his strength and faith against other soulless followers, armies of power-hungry gods, and his own inner demons that slowly take their toll on him, to fulfill his destiny in settling the chaos in the heavens.
that was tough to condense. i could go on haha.
Please do. Have you wrote any chapters? Sounds really interesting.
My fantasies mostly consisted of me being of divine heritage and destined for soveriegnity. I recruit human family members for a revolution resulting in the governments soul aim being making happyness as accessable as imaginable. Human emotions and lives take priority over a game of monopoly. Society ceases to be satanic or dishonest or unfair or cold and starts embracing warmth and intimacy. Since i mentioned intimacy, i even get a princess. (this actually happens i believe very very very strongly).
when i am in my fantasy world, i don't literally make up stories or worlds. i just tune out. i'm not "present." i will watch movies, read, surf internets, listen to music, whatever i have to do to avoid reality (people). i can go deep in my thoughts; sometimes i think about movies, scenarios from real life, scenarios that could happen in real life. a lot of "what ifs". i run a lot of circles in my mind. if i think about something- i think about it a million times over
That is all the fantasy i can create (not much). Maybe i've got too much GAD to seldom ever relax enough to get into any fantasy stuff properly, and/or i'm too honest/realistic/practical. Never been any good at imagination, only left-brain stuff.I never dream about anything that is "unreal". I have a really hard time understanding stuff that is completely made up, and I don't think I can relate to it on the same level as some other people do. My daydreams also consist of real-life thinhs that could happen in the present. When it's about myself, I don't know if I dream about having great power, or being all that important