Can some of you describe your fantasy worlds to me?


New member
I imagine myself as characters in manga, or finding the girl of my dreams kind of typical stuff that a lonely person like me would dream of. Things that are better than what I have now which is not a lot.


Well-known member
about 5 months ago, I was imagining myself as tall, attractive cute, calm, and can fit in social situations person... Untill reality smacked me in face with me living alone in this shell.


Active member
i sometimes dream of roaming on a strange planet on my own till i die. May sound dark-ish but i have always been that kind of person that prefers to be alone most of the time x).


Well-known member
haha I'm in the middle of writing a novel using my avoidant world, just for me and maybe close friends. Its sort of a mixture of loads of different stuff I'm interested in; its a mad, fantasy world with its own charaters. Its really easy to write as I basically know everything about these charaters and their lives as I've grown up with them and their adventures. I'm just writing it for the hell of it really but I suppose getting it published would be a bonus :) (no harm in trying)
I have two separate fantasy worlds, one which is the story I'm attempting to write (which is just pure fantasy and isn't related to my life at all.)
the other fantasy world is about my future and what I hope to achieve in life- but probably won't seriously happen xD; more like a daydream really.


Well-known member
I can totally relate to you, i also really enjoyed reading your post.

My fantasy world is 3d but the characters are anime characters that i made up myself. However, there are some exciting game characters as well. My world is medieval style with kingdoms, knights, dragon etc. but has also some modern stuff such as trains. There are many kingdoms within my world with different landscapes. There is so much fantasy such as wizards, element benders, monsters, ghosts, demons, winged people, elves etc. Whenever i'm in this dreamworld i pretend to be one character so i can go on adventure like fighting evil wizard or discovering a new place. It's much more exiting then real life. I developed this world since high school. I remember riding on my bike to school pretending it was a horse:bigsmile: Nowadays i rarely come to my fantasy world but i just watch a movie or anime and pretend to be a character there.

I would love to hear more about your world, let me know if you wanna chat or something:giggle:
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Well-known member
i guess i would like to be a smurf, it would be cool just roaming the forest livin in a giant toadstool. we could have a forest war and fight the ewoks from starwars.
hmmm i wander who will win ?


This is my first post, sorry if I'm doing something wrong..

My fantasies usually all work out to be the same.

In them I am usually well-appreciated by my close friends (this is a fantasy because I can't help but doubt their loyalty to me out of my anxiety).
In my fantasies they want to spend time with me and be close with me, but I'm leaving. They tell me I should stay.

Usually I go somewhere extremely secluded. Examples may be the Arctic (this is one of my favorites), a distant planet (like a previous member described), or maybe a hidden shack high in the mountains.

I wander around on my own, live in a little house away from all civilization, and either spend my time drawing, reading, or playing music.

I leave home to kayak on snowy lakes. I always imagine the water reflecting the sky and just kayaking into an infinitely soft white glow.
If I'm in the mountains I leave to sit out in rain and fog so thick they block the outside world out. I just sit and play the banjo.
If I'm in a distant landscape, often characterized by unearthly colors, and I walk for hours, resting in the shade now and then from the heat of an immense, negatively-colored sun.

In each situation I am in some extreme environment, so surreal and breathtaking. I can feel the temperatures, humidity, tastes, and sounds around me if I think really hard.
When I think about these places I just try to absorb their feelings, although I am alone in my fantasies I am so present, so defined, so strong.

Of course it always helps knowing someone always wants me back.


Well-known member
If I'm in a distant landscape, often characterized by unearthly colors, and I walk for hours, resting in the shade now and then from the heat of an immense, negatively-colored sun.

In each situation I am in some extreme environment, so surreal and breathtaking. I can feel the temperatures, humidity, tastes, and sounds around me if I think really hard.
When I think about these places I just try to absorb their feelings, although I am alone in my fantasies I am so present, so defined, so strong.

Now that I think about it, I also imagine beautiful environments to put my characters in. Places that I don't get to visit and probably never will - my characters have been.